Larian Studios
After playing dnd for many years and as you are hopefully aware divinity for many too I can honestly say your rolls in this game are a lower chance than reality itself Larian, I have reloaded the Abdirak scene out of curiosity for what must be over a hundred times and every time it fails on religion or rolls, this does not happen in the real game itself after many play throughs on the same game as we have in the past. Can I ask if it is truly down to random fate or you have loaded the die? Or shall we just wait until some clever person organises a die cheat mod in order to actually see all outcomes of the game itself as I honestly fail more times than in a real game? I'm not angry just very discouraged by the random chance generation.
I had no problems with Abdirak rolls (religion passed every time and 2 out of 3 rolls on average and he was happy with me), tried it 3 itmes, so this one is not bugged for everyone
Glad it worked out for you, on another run it took me four attempts but chipes I had bad luck on that run
As for that mod... Just have shadow heart cast her special area-effect stealth spell (don't remember the name... but it makes a circle around her that follows her and effects anyone nearby). Instead of granting those nearby +10 to stealth, it grants an additional +10 prof to Dex, Int and Wis checks. It doesn't effect STR or CON checks, but pretty much everything else. Obviously a bug, but I have been using it to "force the impossible" for a while now. And it is possible others who don't know it is bugged think the game is SOOO EASY and never have issues because... +10 prof to everything all the time will do that.
Dude the dice rolling algorithm this game is currently using is a dumpster fire! It is a big deal breaker for me if it is not addressed by release. My NPC’s and I rarely roll above 8 and the monsters hardly ever roll below 12! I’ve already rolled more 1’s in the week and a half I’ve been playing this game than I have in real life ...and I’ve been playing since 1980! If I owned real world die that rolled this badly I would melt them down and make a coaster outta them! This is unacceptable!
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