Joined: Sep 2023
With the camp spread out so much, sometimes I spend non-trivial time trying to find people in camp. I'd love to see either an option to go to specific people or a smaller camp so I'm not hunting people down.
Also, being able to manage inventory for everyone in camp and level up people not in the party would be fantastic.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, Act 3 camps, especially Lower City one is the worst. Halsin is stuck in some godforsaken corner opposite of Gale, and I use those quite often but swap Gale out when I want to use Wyll for purchases for the charisma discount or want to put in Karlach for her carry capacity to do a selling run of all the items I sent to camp.
I'l also say it's really annoying that camps and areas never clean up. The corpses just stay there forever and so does the blood. I'm sick of watching a frozen Aradin's corpse just laying around in camp while the whole place looks like a dump.
Joined: Dec 2022
People be complaining about anything these days.
Joined: Sep 2023
As someone who has gone in expeditions in the wilderness for weeks at a time with groups, it's not an idle complaint. Camps are usually small, and people usually camp in the same places. The last thing you want if a storm hits is to be wandering several hundred meters to find some gear or somebody. Also people are creatures of habit: they tend to camp in the same places day after day.
But in Larian's world, full of Goblins, cultists, and other dangers, everyone camps hundreds of meters apart, and leaves piles of junk lying out in the open....
Yes, it's a fantasy game, but I find it painful from a pure gameplay point of view to try and figure out where companions are every time I camp. Or to walk across a stream slowly because it's difficult terrain. Really, in the howling wilderness, I would split my party and have half of them camp ACROSSS a stream?
It's not atmospheric, it's tedious. Camp should be a pleasure, not a chore, a place to return and relax not curse having to hike half a kilometer to find a companion who wants to speak to you, then find out it's actually a bugged line that should have come in Act I.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
So it is funny, Friday night sitting around the fire pit me and my buddies had a discussion about the whole camp and companion setup of the game as it is. We do not recall ever in our table top games, our choosing from among a group of people to take with us on an adventure. Our "group" was always formed with mutual trust and purpose and then we stayed together as friendships build. We did not keep building the group.
Further consider that Tav has a small circus following him around as he adventures. It is not him and three companions it is a traveling circus that must have 20 mules to haul off the gear around. There is no fast movement or even stealthy, this is a huge, loud traveling mob.
This, subconsciously I realized, is why I have not kept other companions, I have developed the party I want and dismiss and ignore the rest. In my Paladin play through I keep Gale as a Wizard is always handy when adventuring and he in general seems of good character. I keep Wyll because despite what he did, it is not who he is. This is a man that did evil in order to serve good. He wish's to keep serving good and needs to find a way to redemption. What is a more worthy quest than helping someone free themselves of a Devil and saving their soul?
As for the rest, well I ignore them or have not brought them into the camp. The two exceptions are "skeletor" and that is only because he is a game mechanic and Halsing who has knowledge that might be useful but once he had helped us stop the darkness I presume we will part ways.
Joined: Sep 2021
+1 for this. The camp situation is quite ridiculous, and should really be condensed down. It's great that the developers put a lot of time and thought into making the camp nice to look at, but frankly we don't spend much time there and I'd much rather have quick access to the various companions.
Joined: Jan 2020
They also need to allow you inventory access to anyone in camp. hey I picked up a great longsword... oh crap who picked it up... 5 minutes and 3 party shuffles later I find what I need.
Joined: Oct 2020
The camp situation has been odd from the getgo. I think because of the way the game began, I was all primed to think that the camp was an illusion. Meaning the characters only thought they were decked out in nice comfortable tents, but in reality would be like shivering in the rain with one bedroll. Maybe all the enchanted equipment and the companions themselves were like tricks of the tadpole (except maybe Lae'zel hehe). Or like a Raphael or Ethel type deal, where what you see isn't what it seems. Otherwise, yeah, it would take like all day to just to set up for those tents. I mean they're not nylon and aluminum right lol, they're like wool and have furniture. Lae'zel has a giant grindstone, we have the huge chest etc. During the camp celebration, iy makes a lot of sense to have tents, cause it's like a whole celebration and we can imagine a couple dozen people setting it up. Once we're at an Inn from the second act on, it's a little strange that "resting" brings us back outside to a camp that seems way sketchier than if we'd just held up in a room somewhere ya know. I think in world camps would have been fun, to complement one main camp in a central location for each act.
Like if they wanted to make it believable the answer is pretty simple - Lucius the Donkey
We should meet him on the beach or by the first crypt. If we miss him at that first landing, then we run into him again at the Druid grove or the Goblin camp something along those lines, or he just shows up when we go to rest. For this they could do a whole sendup on the Metamorphoses, or the last Unicorn, Midsummer Night's Dream etc. Like you really just need one viable pack animal to make it sorta work.
I also really do like the idea of a pointless goat, who's only point is to eat rotten camp supplies and stare ominously. I feel like a some random girl should show up and say something like "Please take the take" and if we accept she hands us his lead, if we refuse she just runs away and he "follows" back either way. We also need a few rats. Templeton, Frisby and Ben, to cover some different alignments. Maybe a vampire boar who also hangs out by the rotten foodstuffs. There should be a trough where they just all hang out off to one side, maybe a Spider named Lotte who does shadow puppet plays on the wall to keep them all entertained. Something along those lines, to complement whatever is happening with bit player camp followers at the big camp. It should really be more of a stronghold, or something like the Bastion concept they're floating this month in D&D.
For the regular camps, something more in world and stripped down, but still with the Donkey would be cool. We can just imagine that any animal companions are hanging with him and following behind at a slight remove from wherever the current party is at. Finding ideal places to camp in-world could be more gameplay oriented and you could still do main plot story delivery from the main camp where that's needed. Also I'd really like to be able to use the fishing poles or do something at camp like foraging or hunting and gathering. Picking the berries at the odd camp here or there is fun, but the fishing poles are a bit of a tease. I kinda thought they'd go with the fishes and wishes angle for that, like the old folktales or the thousand and one nights. Would have been a good set up for it, since half the time we're near a stream or pool of some sort. Building a fire or setting traps. But yeah, the fishing pole at least.