First off.....this games rating in my 'kingly' :P opinion is.....10/10 fireballs :P

I have to say, out of all the games I've played, It's up there in my high ranks laugh I mean Its one of the few games along with Divine Divinity( and sometimes imp runners when I'm really really bored and have a short time to do something like small breaks during homework or work in general :P) however out of your games larian the only one I didn't favor was Beyond Divinity, but honestly the other 3(4 if you include the little 'joke' game i guess) where F***ING FAN-F***ING-TASTIC excuse my foul languge

I got into this game because I saw it be played on a high end Gamer computer as a "test" so to speak because I friend decided to give it a try, he was not impressed with the game because he heard the ending sucked so I "inherited" the game so to speak and Played it, finished it, was slightly pissed at the ending but still left not understanding most of the jokes, I then Jumped into a copy of Divine Divinity I ran across in some old games my dad and sister had compiled and finding out when It first started out that it was a larian game and the first of the let's get started with this, both games it's hard to start up with your leveling but hey, Honestly what game ever gives it to you that easy :P nice touch there it's a bugger but any good gamer should realize that after you pass a town or area and beat the crap out of it, Hell yeah it'll be hard to leave but that's where the level boost you'll need for future areas comes in laugh Higher level=higher EXP :D, next touch... by far my favorite, The sense of humor that the games come with, I'd have to say that's why it's re-playable as long as you've played a few several games and even the whole series then most of the jokes if not all should get you laughing if not smiling, so it proves any game made by gamers for gamers will be great if they use their humor....example one being the skeletons in DD and the skeleton in maxos temple hitting that funny bone again.

Now upon finishing DD and D2:ED I was satisfied with the ending but just like everyone else pissed(much like most people) but something in my gut said "give these guys a chance....the way DD ended they have to have something in store for us!!! maybe another game?" and damn am I glad I trusted that gut because how else could I have witnessed that great ending and by the way... Nice touch with the white cat :P.

I have to say that It's been a great pleasure playing each game to hear the jokes to fight the baddies to get bad A$$ in the end of each game and save the princess.....OK there was no princess but still point being.... The music was great and fit the moods everything from the intro of the game to to credits in DD and D2:DKS was just great and a huge pleasure

On a side note however I have to say when I was briefly playing Beyond Divinity I was not all that impressed with the game and maybe it's because I didn't finish it but I was still not impressed sorry laugh

Now For a few questions not only to you guys at larian but to anyone really....

1: WHEN'S DIVINITY 3 COMING OUT!!! we all know it's coming :P you guys can't hide that :P I mean the white cat really? :P think we are clueless and such :P look how Divine Divinity ended? hm?

2: When is someone going to release an encyclopedia of the entire'll e thick but hey Halo had one so when's yours Larian? :P I'd personally love to have a book filled with every nook and cranny laugh

3: Now here is one only a few(I hope more though) will understand, Will America or anywhere else for that matter ever be able to read that book from Divine Divinity? I mean Not everyone can read German :P

4: one more after this and this one is less of a question and more of a suggestion.... But Please don't release a online game! >.> it always ruins the series I mean maybe make a online arena or even a mini online where people can level up or possibly what Never-winter Nights did but defiantly not a WoW thing >.> I honestly think it'll ruin you guys to be honest laugh

5: What else did everyone think of D2:DKS or even the whole series as a whole? and what where your favorite parts?

now My favorite parts are in order I guess as to answer my own Question 5 laugh
By far....the humor it's what made my 'pissed off that I died' turn into ' guys?*insert a chuckle/Busted out laughing here*"(guys being you great people at larian)

so once again......Thank you Larian studios for you great game series and I really do Hope you continue on with it I just can't wait you have in store for a sequel laugh and don't deny a sequel like I said the end of D2 just yells sequel

Last edited by Lord Pin-apple; 26/12/10 09:57 AM.

"So you take an Apple and a Pineapple, smash them together, and you get a 'Pin-apple' My dear sir!"
Warning, Spoiler:
Behold the glory of Lord Pin-apple peasant! \:D