I tried some island skirmishes when the new maps came out and the AI can indeed use bomber balloons and naval units effectively now. I am racing in a campaign straight for Aerial mines so I can test them out.
Oh yeah, on Little Rivellon: "Wyrmtrhone". I think that should be "Wyrmthrone", to go with the imp country theme naming.
BUG: I just did an autoresolve, and one of my troopers was killed in the calculation, and the trooper's graphic vanished (but I could still mouse over it to see that it was a Trooper).
BUG BUG: Wait, something screwed up. There were two autoresolves in a row for the same battle! A lone trooper killed a Grenadier and the aformentioned vanishing trooper, so I hit "continue", and then there was a second autoresolve - without anything changing - and my dead trooper came back, but I lost my hunter and armour (and Grenadier) to that F&^$ing lone Trooper.
It's possibly related to me alt-tabbing out of the game before hitting continue?
REQUEST: Let us see the upgrades a unit has in the army battle screen. That will influence out decisions, but now all we can see is 1,2,3 stars. well, okay, I guess we can still look it up from the history transcript on the right.
BUG: On Forlorn Lands, the starting bases are on plateaus. The Bomber balloons are dropping their bombs and they're hitting the ground instead of the buildings.
The AI is actually nasty at countering those things.
Last edited by Stabbey; 01/08/13 12:39 PM. Reason: bomber balloons