This one is for all the reviewers out there - there's been some updates since you started and here is the change list for that. Sorry about the hassle, but it's a live game, not a one-time affair

Changes since
- Show correct player icon in campaign in chapter3
- Added load confirmation to loading in multiplayer
- Added story stats to Steam Stats
- AI takes demonized units into account
- Added achievements
- Fixed savegame issues with transports
- A lot of changes done to the AI to be more responsive and inventive
- Added DLC support
- Added new newspaper
- Added empire overview window
- Capped the general wages
- Big changes to unit and dragon balance
- Big changes to game-speed and pacing
- Fixed a lot of dialog animation problems in the Hub
- Fixed level overview button
- Fixed issue where cards could be interchanged in the prepare battle stage, causing a desync
- Fixed a lot of crashes concerning poly-morphed units
- Fixed positioning of tool-tips in strategy phase
- Added new sound-banks
- Fixed issue where sounds of dragon fireballs suddenly disappear
- Fixed crash where everybody retreats from battle
- Huge performance update for strategy AI
- Added new game cursor
- Added ladder games
- Bombs are no longer target-able with skills
- Fixed filtering on cards in card menu
- Prepare battle UI shows your current gold amount now
- Leaderboards will correctly refresh now
- Allow scrolling for friend leaderboards
- Tooltips show correct cooldown now
- Fixed desync concerning dragon combat
- Fixed rare crash with infantry in kamikaze mode
- Russian / Polish / Korean keyboards work now in the game
- Fixed saving of advanced settings in MP advanced options
- Default resolution should be better detected now
- Fixed problems where game hang at the next dragon loadout screen when a player left during a previous RTS game
- Turn message and timer will no longer overlap
- Added more modifiable keys to the game, more hints and two more input examples during loadingscreens
- Fixed issue where cards were draggable in the card selection window
- Fixed saving of transports in the strategy phase
- Added ELO rating system to leaderboards
- Added more tooltips in the combat UI
- Fixed some animation irregularities for dragons in multiplayer
- Tweaked auto-resolve formulas
- Added "passive" description to passive skills in dragon loadout
- Changed rules when weapon ranges were shown a bit. Also works for boats and air units now
- Added tooltip to better explain the support mechanic
- UI's on strategy map will close when optional game timer expires
- Fixed some stability problems during RTS gameplay
- Fix for desync during strategy phase
- Added dematerialize effect on dragon death
- Terrain texture quality will scale with texture settings now, to give low-end systems some breathing space
- Added Connect To IP option in the lobby
- Bloodsplashes are only shown for local player now
- Fixed crash in Training Grounds
- Fixed stability problems on strategy maps
- Changed options in MP Advanced options are printed in chat window now for reference
- Changed battle result tool-tip
- Added option to remove FPS cap
- Area effects are removed when restarting a level now
- Tutorials are temporarily reset when entering Training Grounds
- You can no longer play land unit cards on sea tiles
- Reserves are correcly calculated for entrenched countries now
- Added casual difficulty setting
- Able to change game difficulty during strategy phase. This influences combat AI difficulty in your next battle
- You are able to target friendly buildings again
- Armies are better placed on the strategy map
- Fixed bug where units couldn't switch active skill
- Added "press to continue" option in loading screens
- Fixed animation problem on dragon in multiplayer
- Updated soundbanks with new music
- Game should better handle a lot of units on the RTS map
- Fixed line-of-sight problem for zeppelins
- Fixed render problems with movies
- Added messagebox when connection fails with more information
- Fixed cost calculation for units on strategy map
- Added missing unit videos to unit shop
- More stable pathfinding
- Added advanced multiplayer options
- Enable password on servers
- Battleship nukes no longer get stuck
- Added ladder maps
- Added skill level to players and filters in multiplayer levels
- Improved notifications
- Fixed dragging in transports
- Added card animations on strategy map
- Turrets wont reset rotations after target is killed
- Bombers will do damage again
- Added videos to research screens
- Improved priest behaviour
- Changed sightrange of juggernauts
- Added conversion rate of units to tooltips
- Combat levels in MP are random now
- Several stability and performace improvements
Have fun!