Since I'm going to remake a mod I'm testing which files work in the new version with and without alteration. Just gonna post my results here.

So far these files work without any alteration:

1. Speakers.lsb - Location = Public\YOUR MOD\Voices

2. Translated String Key .lsb files- Location = Data\Mods\YOUR MOD>Localization

3. Atmophere .lsb files - Location = Data\Mods\YOUR MOD\Levels\YOUR LEVEL\Atmosphere

4. Keyword Dialog Files .lsx - Location = Data\Mods\YOUR MOD\Story\Keywords

Files that work but require alteration:

1. quest_prototypes.lsx AKA the quest Journal file. See the Spoiler for alterations required.

The old version of quest_prototypes looks like this:

<node id ="Quest">
<attribute id="QuestID" value="Fisher" type="22"/>
<attribute id="MainQuest" value="0" type="19"/>
<attribute id="QuestTitle" value="FisherQuest_Title" type="22"/>

<node id ="QuestState">
<attribute id="Status" value="Update1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Description" value="FisherQuest1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Rewards" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Marker" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Achievement" value="quest1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Act" value="" type="4"/>
<attribute id="Gain" value="" type="4"/>
<attribute id="ReputationGain" value="" type="4"/>

To make your old file exactly like the new version, add these blue lines

<node id ="Quest">
<attribute id="QuestID" value="Fisher" type="22"/>
<attribute id="MainQuest" value="0" type="19"/>
<attribute id="QuestTitle" value="FisherQuest_Title" type="22"/>

<node id ="QuestState">
<attribute id="Status" value="Update1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Description" value="FisherQuest1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Rewards" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Marker" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="RemoveMarker" value="" type="23"/>
<attribute id="Achievement" value="quest1" type="22"/>
<attribute id="Act" value="" type="4"/>
<attribute id="Gain" value="" type="4"/>
<attribute id="ReputationGain" value="" type="4"/>
<attribute id="StatStrongOverLevel" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="StatSlightOverLevel" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="StatIntendedLevel" value="" type="22"/>
<attribute id="StatUnderLevel" value="" type="22"/>


This change is tested and working.

2. Characters.xlsm - Location = Data\Public\YOUR MOD\Stats

This file needs a single column added for the Throwing ability. I did this the opposite way and pasted my own entries from the old file into the new spreadsheet and added an extra space.

**This doesn't mean they work without problems, that will require more testing.

Last edited by SniperHF; 23/03/16 06:52 PM.