I'm a bit confused. Got big reputation loss after i killed the Patrol and his Dog with the Doc in Fort Joy. Then after "cleansing" Fort Joy of almost every Magister half of the inhabitants are openly hostile against my main charactar and immediately attack. What's going on? They are the cruel Keepers that I killed. Is that a feature? And why? Especially why half of them is now openly hostile? Maybe it's what you want but it would be great to know why! And why only against the main Character, the others are unaffected. Because of the Collar? But the one that takes it away is hostile too.

And is it a Change of story that Windego just attacks when you talk with her? Didn't find a peaceful solution. It ends in a fight when I talk with her.

Edit: Ok tried once more for a peaceful solution with Windego, then just fled the battle. The inhabitants were then peaceful again. So that seems to be a BUG. But Windego was then red hostile.

Last edited by Fimbul; 27/05/17 02:51 PM.