Joined: Sep 2016
For my first run through the game I'm planning on running as an original Dwarf (not Beast) with Lohse, The Red Prince, and Fane.
I want to run Lohse as a rogue and the Red Prince as a wizard/magic user, and I think I'll run a melee build for my dwarf. The problem is I don't know what role I could assign to Fane.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Super excited for the release!
Joined: Sep 2016
I mean any role really, but if you want thematic roles than maybe a summoner or geo/necromancer or maybe a rogue as it seems to suggest he was a criminal of some sort so that might work.
Joined: Oct 2016
Fane was no criminal? They did not punish him for being criminal but for researching forbiddin knowledge or something like that? I think, a mage or so would fit him best, he is kind of a sage. He invented the mask for example.
Joined: Feb 2017
I plan on making Fane my main, his class will be Witch ( Necromancy+Geomancy), one can't pass up the huge amount of healing you get out of this combination, especially since you're an Undead you will heal from both Necromancy and poison, but it's not only good in defense but offense as well plus crowd-control, you will have access to a wide variety of Summons and Damage-Dealing skills + healing.
Not to mention being a Necromancer you will get that true feeling of being the ruler of death as Fane!
Joined: Nov 2016
"Researching Forbidden Knowledge" and getting locked up for it still makes you a criminal. Like if a scientist performs inhumane experiments, they get locked up in jail, they're a criminal.
I personally think, with his grisly research and intellect and what little theme we know of him so far, he'd make a good Shadowblade or w/e the magical rogue thing is, though you could consider leaving him as his default class.
Joined: Oct 2016
True, but it does not make you a 'rogue'. They are a different kind of criminals. Also it is always the question, why is the research forbidden. Are there good reasons or not. 
Joined: Sep 2016
I plan on making Fane my main, his class will be Witch ( Necromancy+Geomancy), one can't pass up the huge amount of healing you get out of this combination, especially since you're an Undead you will heal from both Necromancy and poison, but it's not only good in defense but offense as well plus crowd-control, you will have access to a wide variety of Summons and Damage-Dealing skills + healing.
Not to mention being a Necromancer you will get that true feeling of being the ruler of death as Fane! Ooh! I like this, and it makes sense for him as an undead character. I'll try him out in that way for sure. Thanks for the tip!
Joined: Sep 2017
What I'm trying to figure out is what class is his Iconic Class. What I mean by that is his figure has him wielding a Staff and a sword? Who and what can do that?