Joined: Sep 2017
Is there official comment on whether or not it's an intentional change from EA that we can't use those skills, or bugged?
Joined: Jun 2017
You need to said skill requirement. For example if you get adrenaline skill from flesh you need to have atleast 1 point in scoundrel.
Joined: Sep 2017
Yes, but in the alpha that was not the case. You could use the skills as long as you had obtained them at some point, assumingly that would have remained with elves, otherwise their passive goes from being decent/powerful, to utter shit lol.
I can afford a skillbook rather easily, I don't get to determine what skill (if any) I get from eating someone.
If I can't auto-use it, then there's not a use for it at all. I'd rather get 5% increase crit chance and 2 free initiative like the humans, better resists like the lizards, or 10% increased health and 5% increased dodging.
Let's be real here, we're sacrificing an awful lot for the ability to occasionally gain insight into a quest, I've encountered exactly one time where I've gotten important quest information from a corpse, and by that point I already knew what I was going to do anyways. There's the Elf who you can munch on in the starting area for a free treasure location, but that's equally revealed by a rather low check.
The free abilities, they would be cool except for how ridiculously random they are. A lot of people thought the old version was wrong, I disagreed, I simply thought the other races needed a buff. As it is, it doesn't make much sense to play Elf, they're not unique in the slightest due to the Shapeshifting Mask and abilities being largely unusable.
It'd be one thing if there were unique spells you could learn, or something otherwise interesting about it. As it stands, the glamour has kinda worn off. Compared to the Alpha, it's just not interesting. While I agree, it might have been ridiculous if for example, cutting Alexander's head off would grant me a t4 source skill from another tree that I had 0 points in, it wouldn't be too ridiculous as I'd still have to pour 3 points into memory to use it. While I agree with people that at times it can seem ridiculous, gaining access to skills that they haven't had to invest points in for, these skills still take up slots, and more importantly, they scale based on stats that the person isn't likely to build. Oh no, as a Ranger I get Adrenaline level 1 for free, it takes up an extra slot, it has it's own drawbacks. Oh no, I get a combat spell, oh wait, it scales off of intelligence, and does 1/2 or less the damage that my mage would do with the skill, it's a waste of space essentially.
Gives extra exposition, though for the most part it isn't well made compared to the start of the game. I feel like they needed more people to test the parts of the game that are later, they're quite unbalanced, and not really that fun to play, that goes for the rest of the game too. It's rare that I got anything of note from eating flesh in the mid-late game.
For the most part, talking to the spirits IS the exact same thing as eating their bodies, they'll give you the same information. It seems that the spirit talking has completely subsumed the flesh eating after you obtain it.
This is coming from someone who has put 60 hours into the game since it released.
Joined: Dec 2016
And most of them will want the Elven racial skill because that extra damage and AP for minimal trade off (no one cares about lolololcon) is still the strongest racial.
Elves have the skill, the rest get the passive.
Joined: Jul 2009
Hi, my experience from yesterday: To learn Adrenalin, you need no point in Scoundrel. You just need a 'free' spell slot. When you learn it from eating, the spell is put into the list of usable spells (left side), and into the active spells (right side) - but just, if you have a free slot. If you take it off from the active spells, you are not able to put it back. So if you learn it at a point, where you have a free memory slot, you should leave it there for the rest of the game  Tarnim
Last edited by Tarnim; 20/09/17 10:36 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
No, every race gets an active, a primary passive, and a civil passive.
The Active is Flesh Sacrifice, Inspire, Petrify, and Breath Fire, all of which are extremely strong.
If I remember right, undead lose the active and the civil passive, instead gaining Undead and Play Dead.
The primary passives include 10% resists to fire and earth(?) for Lizards, with something else tagged on that escapes me right now. Dwarves get 10% increased vitality and 5% dodge. Humans get 2 initiative and 5% increased crit chance. Elves get Flesh Eater...everyone else get's a combat related benefit, whilst Elves are kinda just twiddling their thumbs. I didn't like that the other races got shafted in EA, I thought that they all needed buffs to where they are now, I didn't think that Elves needed a nerf. As it is, the only thing the passive Flesh Eater would be good for is the occasional exposition, rarely plot related points (extremely rare, mainly that seems to have been subsumed by spirit speak).
As for Humans, to be blatantly honest, they are by far the strongest race in the game. Encourage heals, for a lot, when it's applied again, it removes the buff, putting them back to their regular max health, and then increases it by re-applying the buff again. So you'll heal 400-500 health instantly, consistently. A 400-500 health, aoe heal, that gives stats, and is NOT blocked by Decay, all for one action point, on a character that doesn't even need to build any stats for it.
Lizard fire scales pretty hard later into the game, I've already beaten the game by the way. The Petrify skill is particularly useful against certain foes. The Elves on the other hand, they just don't get anything particularly interesting at this point. I'm split, I'm not entirely sure it was an intentional change, since they added the respeccing system into the game we could have otherwise just dumped points into a stat, learn book, and then remove them, based on how the old system functioned. So the changes to that do make sense, however they could have just marked them under some sort of Elf-learned spell.