Hi. First off, great game! I'm addicted.

That said, I hope you are all working on making managing items in the inventory easier. As it is now its very tedious if you pick up a bunch of stuff.

Things I really would like to see:

1. Ability to shift-select many items, then move them all at once from bag to bag, person to person, person to chest, etc.

2. Ability to recolor bag, and name bags, so you can tell at a glance, or a tooltip hover, what that bag contains. For example, I want to keep all skillbooks in a bag; it would be nice to be able to recolor a bag and name it skillbooks so when I see it I detect the color and hover over it I see the name, instead of open the bag.

3. When filtering your inventory, for example on ingredients, ability to optionally tag a bag as that type, so the bag also shows up in the filter. This way, I can filter on ingredients and have the target bag to put all that stuff in.

4. A button to resort a bag. After filling a bag, then pulling items from it, it gets pretty messy.

5. Option to make the inventory squares smaller size to see more at a time for folks with big monitors.

6. Ability to see each character's gear when hoving over a vendor's item, not just the gear of the character you are talking to. With this, if there is a way to export the gear stats of all your characters to a comma deliminated text file, or something you could copy and paste.. instead of having to manually keep a google spreadsheet file going and modify it when I get a new item.

Sure there is other stuff that I'm not thinking of as I write this. Any help to make inventory management easier to use would be great. I'd love to see some feedback that you guys have this on your list of things you are looking at.

Last edited by erklimir; 07/10/17 07:11 PM.