Okay, not completely murder-hobo, but, after I met the Zhents in their hideout, I decided I'd see if I could take them. In doing so, I discovered two problems:

1. This was way too easy. My party dropped the leader the first round. She should probably be at least 5th level.
2. Not everyone joined the fight. I initiated combat up high on the raised area above where the leader is hanging out, and some of the rest came running to her aid, but not everyone. Specifically, after the battle was over, Jarg, Vol, and Karad were still not hostile and gave their same old dialog options.

On the second, I get that they might not have observed directly, but... come on, the cave isn't that big, and the fight should be obvious. It seems like they should have all gone hostile at least.

After this, I decided to go pick on the ogres in the goblin-overrun village. I'd previously convinced them to not be hostile, but again I was just playing with picking fights. This went fine, but not all of the goblins joined in right away. Particularly, Brawler Brek kept strolling right through the combat without going into turn-based rounds. Since he wouldn't hold still, I couldn't even easily target him to force him to join in. He did eventually notice, but it was basically after everyone else was downed.