The tiefling dreams in general have always been a little glitchy visually, so I'm used to that but I can usually see my character. .I've never made it to the 3rd vivid dream before today so I don't know if this is pre-existing prior to the patch that adjusted custscene visuals. Current version is

I'm a female tiefling sorcerer with short hair, wearing a robe, the int to 18 magical crown, and a staff. My dreamed about partner is a male tiefling. On some reloads he's visible on some neither of us are visible, but I cannot get to any point where my own character is visible for this dream (even when trying to remove gear in case the robe was glitching it out - sometimes the robe of summer makes my chest/torso invisible during gameplay).

Actually, going through the sequence again to try to grab a screenshot when he's visible and I'm not(which I couldn't get to happen again) -- I think my character might be floating off the ground. The texture in the top left corner of this screenshot looks like my robe color.

[img][/img] (not sure why the image tag doesn't work but if you click through the image is there)

Last edited by Rylee; 29/10/20 12:15 PM.