Some of the lists I find pretty cumbersome to navigate in game right now. Some suggestions I have on it:

1. For spells like hex, I'd rather click on it & have an all-text list menu pop up just saying 'Strength, Intelligence etc.' then go to cast.
Currently it brings up a graphic menu bar where I have to hover over each icon to find what I want to hex (they change places randomly), & sometimes if my mouse moves a bit too far it disappears or thinks I clicked behind the icon.

2. For looting bodies & containers please make it an AoE effect (like Wasteland 3) so I don't have to run all over or rotate the camera to click each barrel one by one. This is not just for convenience - it would be especially useful when you set up a pinch-point and have multiple bodies on top of each other making some completely unlootable. Bodies and containers should be different systems so you don't click on a body and get a bunch of crates you were ignoring.

3. Also for looting bodies & containers put little character portraits at the bottom of each container. Then no matter who initiated the looting you can use convenience features like loot all to send it to the right character.
Eg: Custom fighter clicks on mage body > container opens > I select Gale portrait at the bottom & click loot all > all scrolls & items go to Gale.
Right clicking & scrolling to 'Send to: Applicable Character' for every item is just needlessly dragging it out.

5. Make portrait & item clicking less finicky - I don't know why but I have to click portraits twice sometimes for it to actually switch characters.

6. Get rid of the chains. Just let me drag to select & shift-click on portraits to select everyone... the chain system isn't enjoyable.

7. If I have everyone linked, everyone should stealth. If I want one person to stealth I'll just click on them (or drag them apart if that's really being left in).

That's all I've got. I know the chains and portraits have been mentioned before elsewhere but it bears repeating.

Last edited by jinkaroo; 01/11/20 01:24 PM.