is the guy in your camp whos making golden Facemasks out of our gold which we spend to let him ressurect partymembers.

What do we know from the Game about him and some external sources.
He is the final Scribe who kept the records of the ultimate fate of all the dead
He made a mysterious pact with THREE other Adventurers.
They where Known as the DEAD THREE

Why has Jergal been chosen to be part of the Story?
Are we supposed to be the new Apprentices for Godhood.
And as we have a party of four, one of the party will/must ultimatly be sacrficed or does one even take up the mantle of Jergal himself?

I didnt test a playthrough without going into his Tomb and free him.
So is it even possible to sidestep him forever?
If not, then he is more important and thereby one of the most important aspects of the game.

What can we unravel about him from all information gathered so far?

Last edited by TheHero; 01/08/21 07:50 AM.