Joined: Oct 2003
I thought about a new race, but then I changed my mind, I thought about more ways to get skill points without having to level up, perhaps scrolls which you can trade with mages to earn skill points from them?
And new weapons! Like warhammers, and slings!
New traps! Not only scorpion cages and spider mines, but now missiles, not homing missiles obviously, I will need more time to work out how they are set.
Perhaps ally hiring? Like in Diablo II (hiring allies really helped me, but I am not sure about DD2...Divine divinity is more of a one-character game, and that suited me)
Perhaps some short-time effect items, like speed items, which will make you run faster than if you have stamina, what the names are will be decided later.
Does anyone have anymore suggestions.
Joined: Oct 2003
I wouldn't do hiring. I'm a lone warrior.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jun 2003
hiring will be a nice feature for DD2 as the game will have multiplayer aspect. imagine meeting in a town hall & then u post a calling for all players if they want to join u for a romp in the (name your hell). they'll name their price & based on their levels & skills, u pick one or more.
![[Linked Image from i3.photobucket.com]](https://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/tingtongtiaw/jang_sig.png) ......a gift from LaFille......
Joined: Mar 2003
@TheMightyOne u can already get warhammers. there are a selection on the table in geoffs (spelling) shop.
The fool hath said there is no God
Joined: Oct 2003
I never saw warhammer/s in Geoffs shop.
How about razor disks for DD2 (which you can throw at enemies)
Joined: Oct 2003
how about a star wars galaxy/ever quest type game? where in multi-player has no ending. that's what i hate about multi player games... you do all this work for an inevitable end. if i put a lot of time into a character i want to continue using him forever. plus make new classes such as weapons smith, potion makers, house builders stuff like that. i know this will prolly never happen due to costs and time. but i am waiting for a game like star wars galaxy only set back in the day. and i love the idea for posting stuff on walls for group play. and what about employees in the game to give hints tips and help. and group spells for wizards. like you need a certain amount of wizards to do a spell. and the more wizards you have the more powerful group spell. with warriors the more you have obvioulsy the more confidense you will have, ergo you should get a slight stat or skill bonus for the more you have in a group. a stat/skill DEDUCTION for the more thieves you got in a party due to the fact that you can't sneak around with a lot of people. but in increase in pickpocket, lock picking, passive speech and stuff like that were groups come in handy. well i hope the people at larian read this, i would like a reply if possible. my e-mail address is BC007ak@aol.com please give me some feed back on whether or not you guys read this. i would really like to give some ideas for dd2. i have played a lot of multi player games so i think i can be of some value to suggestions. thanks again for listening. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
I'm a big fan of more classes and races myself. But I also know how much work goes into that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> was very Diablo-like, where I like the Baldur's gate or Neverwinter Nights or Icewind Dale system better...
I've always been a huge fan of customisation, even with quests. Like the quest that relies on your class (Wizards get the plane-travelling thingie, Warriors get the Castle, Rogues must do something for the thieves guild, Bards...) or even your gender (You can get a fall-in-love-and-get-married quest in BG2)
I also get off more on good 2D-art then on 3D stuff. Besides, it keeps the specs lower.
And some more areas that are smaller perhaps. It's easier to get more action and less running that way.
I always loves games that had the option of getting your own shack or store. Perpahs you could get it at the beginning of the game, depending on what class you whose: Warriors start out in the castle of their guild, Wizards begin the game in their little store in a small wizard's community in another town. Then you could get a cut-scene of someone running in and telling you there's an invasion of so-and-so creatures, you go out and slay them, and then they ask you to investigate what made them do it... You could even have inherited your house from your long-lost father. When a stranger comes into town, telling you that he knew him, you could go out to find out what happened to him. Along the way you could find out more about your past and his, and there's a lot of room for sub-quests there.
Hmmz, I got carried away a bit here. But hey, I really liked <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> , and I'd be happy to contribute anything to the next game. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
Welcome to the forum Toowni <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> Please enjoy your stay.
Thanks for all your suggestions everyone <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
I was thinking of synthesising items to get rare weapons at a new synthesis shop! I think that will be a good idea!
Joined: Oct 2003
What I would like to see more of is cinematic movies as was done in Planescape Torment. Not only did they have the cutscenes when a major quest was completed (As when the Alley "Gives Birth") or when a new area is entered. But also playing as a Mage, those terrific spell cinematics. It made me restart as a mage a few times just to experience them again (My favourite was the meteor strike!)
Also what I would like to see is like in Diablo or BG, when you wear unique suits of armour ect. it will actually show on your character i.e if you wear red dragonscale armour it will show up red (with scales??)
I enjoy <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> immensely and congratulate everyone at Larian for giving RPG fans something to smile about -finally! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Mar 2003
I would like to see a priest subset of skills, such as Bless, Turn Undead, the Divine skills, etc. Perhaps a set of skills by race, too--learning those skills would gain you allies. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -Rich Cook
Joined: Mar 2003
Hmmm... Race specific skills could be another good idea. That's about where my idea stops, unfortunately. Slow mind tongiht.
Joined: Nov 2003
Spells with decent effects...
All Maps should be accessable at the same time, if i'm in dark forest and want to check how much of the sewers i've explored i should be able to..
More information should be available on items in the game what effects they have, for example eating food etc..should get an info popup or something to describe the item and give its stats more then just its durability and damage, for example a Scimiter should cause massive damage in an over head strike and almost no damage swinging from side to side, so it should require higher strength to get higher damage. This way if you found a scimiter at lvl 3 you'd still be able to use it, you just wouldnt do any damage with it. And at lvl 15 you would do more damage with it then at lvl 10..need to remove str/agil requirements of weapons altogether. Add abit of story to the game...by usage of certain high damage weapons into a skill which can be gained via a quest
potions should have a usage lvl so instead of drinking the entire potion you can drink half..bigger bottles would carry more.. barrels could be put to good use...we already have barrels of poison.. whats wrong with barrels of healing..
and the barrels definately need to have measurements applied.. a single bottle can drain an entire barrel of poison..
have other ideals...but this waiting for horizons download is getting frustrating..especially as i only have 3 days left on internet..
Joined: Mar 2003
All Maps should be accessable at the same time, if i'm in dark forest and want to check how much of the sewers i've explored i should be able to.. Definately! More information should be available on items in the game what effects they have, for example eating food etc..should get an info popup or something to describe the item and give its stats more then just its durability and damage, for example a Scimiter should cause massive damage in an over head strike and almost no damage swinging from side to side, so it should require higher strength to get higher damage. This way if you found a scimiter at lvl 3 you'd still be able to use it, you just wouldnt do any damage with it. And at lvl 15 you would do more damage with it then at lvl 10..need to remove str/agil requirements of weapons altogether. Add abit of story to the game...by usage of certain high damage weapons into a skill which can be gained via a quest Too much information is intimidating, though. And part of the fun is experimentation. In real life, you can't pick up a gun a immediately know the recoil, bullets left in clip, and serial number. You don't know the damage or weight either, but they can be easily estimated. With the combat moves for the Scimitar, that could be part of what Sword Expertise provides: smarter use of weapons. And the damage is modified related to your Strength and Expertise already. potions should have a usage lvl so instead of drinking the entire potion you can drink half..bigger bottles would carry more.. barrels could be put to good use...we already have barrels of poison.. whats wrong with barrels of healing..
and the barrels definately need to have measurements applied.. a single bottle can drain an entire barrel of poison.. That would be good. It would save wasting larger potions for smaller healings. And it makes a lot of sense for a barrel to provide many potions. You've got good ideas. Keep them coming!
Joined: Mar 2003
this treath has some very nice ideas indeed <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> about the "extra" information displaced on the screen or extra window. what bodders me the most was that i didn't knew how long a spell would last. example; the freeze spell, how long would it contain the giant orc that i freezed.? idea -> what if there could be a timer display on the top of the screen,or above th eenemie how long your spell last?
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
Joined: Mar 2003
Sorry, but that makes me cringe. That would get extremely messy and cluttered if every spell had a timer on it. And besides, it adds to the skill of the game trying to predict the enemies' movements.
Joined: Jun 2003
it may clutter if it's in words. why not the flower icon(petals changing colours) that's used in dungeon keeper, which is very easy to interpret?
but then, handefood's right. it should be a skill for players to hone themselves to fight certain enemies. trial & error & reload.
plus, spells may be rendered useless for certain enemies so timer's not relevant. in another case where the enemies have resistance to the spell casted which may reduce the effects, either damage or duration.
![[Linked Image from i3.photobucket.com]](https://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/tingtongtiaw/jang_sig.png) ......a gift from LaFille......
Joined: Jun 2003
I'm not sure if I saw it in the FAQ site or the manual, but they(LARIAN) mentioned putting up your own face? Well anyway, I hope more customization of character or being able to import your DD character into it. p.s. I hope my computer's specs could work it just like the original DD, and riftrunner as well.
Joined: Apr 2003
maybe in <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />2 you could pick good or evil, thus changing the quests and the ending completely. instead of the divine one you would be the hellraiser or something of that sort. instead of working with that wizard guy, i cant beleive i forget his name, you know, he saves your [nocando] all the time, you could work with the lord chaos. you would slay the elves and be freinds with orcs...wow, that would be cool.
Joined: Mar 2003
If you get to pick your race, perhaps good and evil and wars and treaties could become a lot more interesting.
Joined: Nov 2003
Hmm suggestions for DD2... some of these will probably be repeats since I don't feel like reading all the replies
1. Martial Arts/Hand to Hand (bare fist or hand weapons) 2. Dual-wield 3. Katanas... Asian weaponry... 4. The option of using your DD1 character like going from Baldur's Gate 1 to Baldur's Gate 2 5. Selectable character features... hair color, skin color, etc... 6. Multiple races. 7. Mounts... horses... drakes... 8. As there has been said Hirelings... and if there's mulitplayer... options for player made guilds... maybe a building editor.... 9. Craft skills... weapon smithing, armorsmithing, fishing, hunting, trapping, brewing, tailoring, enchanting... 10. Seafaring. Deep Underground Adventure. Cities in the Sky... 11. Familiars. 12. Renaming of equipment.
Joined: Mar 2003
13. Unicorns and other animals as "friends" ("familiars" ?) 14. Passive Skill : Harming Monsters through non-fighting Aura.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Mar 2003
Hmm suggestions for DD2... some of these will probably be repeats since I don't feel like reading all the replies
1. Martial Arts/Hand to Hand (bare fist or hand weapons) 2. Dual-wield 3. Katanas... Asian weaponry... 4. The option of using your DD1 character like going from Baldur's Gate 1 to Baldur's Gate 2 5. Selectable character features... hair color, skin color, etc... 6. Multiple races. 7. Mounts... horses... drakes... 8. As there has been said Hirelings... and if there's mulitplayer... options for player made guilds... maybe a building editor.... 9. Craft skills... weapon smithing, armorsmithing, fishing, hunting, trapping, brewing, tailoring, enchanting... 10. Seafaring. Deep Underground Adventure. Cities in the Sky... 11. Familiars. 12. Renaming of equipment. Hi hellchyldx! 1, 2, 3: I like those ideas. I hope they're in RiftRunner as well. 4: I don't think it will work for either of the coming games. RiftRunner follows a disciple of The Divine One and [/i]Divine Divinity 2[/i] is multiplayer, so we can't have 25 Divine One's running around now. If it weren't for the story, it could be a good idea. The only other problem is the refurbishment of the skills into something more playable. 5: Done! 6: Maybe for Divine Divinity 2. I'd only appreciate it if it has more than a initial effect like the Divine Divinity classes. 7: Maybe. Gets fiddily. But that's just me. 8: Probably already planned in Divine Divinity 2! 9: Can you make them game worthy? Why would I buy these skills over a powerful spell or specialised combat skills? I did like the fact that you could hunt in Divnine Divinity, although it was made a bit redundant given that most of the food ran directly at you. 10: That would be cool. But I do like stories that have a base culture that you can settle into. I enjoy the personal feeling of gettint to know the locals. I don't like things like "Hi, my name's Geoff. I'll be your blacksmith for this town." 11: <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> Excelent idea! Would it be a party member (perhaps too risky) or like a special ability (perhaps too uninvolving)? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" /> 12: I liked how Diablo 2 had that as a reward, as opposed to renaming every last item you find. Although I didn't like the way they did it. It needs personal input, after all, it's a role-player! This just made me think. With armour sets, it would be fun if the armour you finished the game with appeared as a set in your next game. When you acquire the full set it gains additional properties from your predecessors spirit (or something <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ). Good ideas there hellchyldx! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Nov 2003
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" /> ----------------- I would just love to see the non-dupable cursor, so as to avoid duping as such. I'd give a try on some dynamic saving system, like in Diablo2,- I already heard sth like this is in RRR, wonder if this is true. - this would make game saving/loading waaaay much faster. And playable with older, 128MB RAM machines(right now DD is unplayable with 128 DDR and winXP.). I kinda like the idea, dating back to Diablo 1 about leaving items on the floor, and having them untouched by the game, but I would sacrifice this, if game pace would become smoother. ------------------ As far as plot, game menus etc, construction my feelings are almost the same as the ones of the other players: -self destructing keys, that are not usable anymore(this was DD idea, but - didn't work fully, for some reason, some keys would stay in inv,. forever!!) -self-organizing menus, like in Throne of Darkness(by Sierra), -more combining abilities, even cross-section ones, like mixing a potion with a bit of food, an arrow with the rope to make "grab-link" hook, etc.. -learning languages is quite fun thing to do, but there will come some inconsequences here- I haven't seen a single school/kindergarten in DD, why should I see those in RRR or DD2??? - cause the comments on RRR/DD2 already suggest, that player would learn runic language by progressive reading nursery reading in such institutions. This is kinda incompatible with DD. -I heard you've given up on Random Quest Generator... Don't do that!!! This is the most innovative idea I've heard about! If not in RRR, try to incorporate it in DD2!!! Waaaayy cool!!! ------------------ -Allow books for passive abilities. It actually makes more sense to read/learn/eat passive skills, than active(maybe because passive tend to involve knowledge in practice, and other skills, active ones, involve almost only practice) -Oh, yeah, and why not make magi schools? Like for some bucks you're able to learn some skills, not via books, but through special menu? I remember, that having seen Rob's propositions in Thieves' test, I had a lot better choice, and - every time I've chosen differently. More such quests, more such 'teachers'. -Why not more items like Finnigans Lockpicks? like Diablos charms. -How about more interesting sets? Take Diablo for instance- there are more sets than possibilities to use them, and that makes game very interesting. -agree with the previous point, why not link characters from DD to DD2? like was already said - BG->BG2 converted smoothly.
BTW: aBOut martial (marital:P) arts: what did you use to beat Burleigh? not fists? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> it's already there, but they might add a leg kick, and some skills to use without any weapon. Oh, and weapon holstery should work not only when starting the dialogue. NPCs are rather likely to react to your bared weapons a bit earlier(LOL).
You will have a gun on you; but are not to use it under any circumstances- it's only to strengthen your authority. (EH)
Joined: Sep 2003
*I kinda like the idea, dating back to Diablo 1 about leaving items on the floor, and having them untouched by the game* = Poster: Propheet
You're right, but come to think of it, when you're running around in the game and you found yourself a nice armor you pick it up. Well you just have to imagine that when you leave something on the floor people are going to to the same to you!
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
all ppl have the right to act like idiots sometime, but others just abuse that privilege
Joined: Mar 2003
In that case, given that the only other beings in the dungoens are monsters, you can find your armour again after defeating another monster. It's a small and worthy price to pay for leaving stuff lying around.
I'll be interested to see how STALKER: Oblivion Lost handles this, with numerous AI players running around as well.
Joined: Nov 2003
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />But do the monsters gain the bonuses that come with this armor, for instance? can they wear it? I'd like to see it come true, like Swen said in the RPGdot interview, that monsters level WILL adhere to the one you have, including the abilities, bonuses and stuff. But, this is an example for the static saving system, not dynamic. If that's what you meant, of course. Because if monster takes the armor, or sth, it won't keep it after reload, just as there will be no that PARTICULAR monster(it too, will be reloaded). My point about items not being manipulated by the game only considered the option of the items being deleted during load/save except for the places like stash and inventory. And I also said, I would actually consider this change as good, as I prefer a faster game pace, even if I am not able to have more items that I could carry/stock. Anyway, why don't any of other Larians comment on this one??? They still have the time to take our brilliant ideas under consideration :P(almost 3 months!!!).
You will have a gun on you; but are not to use it under any circumstances- it's only to strengthen your authority. (EH)
Joined: Jun 2005
Speaking of multiple races; I thought of something. I mentioned this somewhere else in this forum but I'll write about it here too (edited) since this is the suggestions for DD2 thread. Here is the idea: Every race is good at somethething and lack skills at something else. For example, a goblin as a survivor would be able to advance all 5 levels at the skills of a survivor, and would be able to advance say, only 3 levels in wisardry, and 4 in worrior skills. Or a goblin as a wisard would be able to advance 4 levels in survivors skills, 4 in wisardry, and 4 in worrior skills.
Another example: An elf as a survivor; 4 in survivor skills, 4 in worrior skills, and 4 on wisardry. Or An elf wizard: 5 in wizardry, 3 in survivor skills, and 4 in worrior skills. And so on... you get the idea.
Joined: May 2005
Thoughts, ideas and desires:
(More?) Non-random items.
Perhaps some sets gain (or grant) (extra) magical capacities if all the pieces are worn/wielded.
The Dragon set could, when complete, give you some kind of fire spell, and raise your strength and constitution. (Only while all pieces are worn)
Reactions to impressive appearances: Some specific items might have a set of comments like... like wow! (Get it?) And sets too; people in full dragon suits don't come by every day.
If you come riding into town on a white mare, in a beautiful suit of armour, perhaps people could assume you were a knight, simply on appearance.
Perhaps people who don't know you well won't recognize you if you wear a closed helmet.
Oh, and correct the settings on offense/defense to 'traits'. I remember having 57 offense: "Since you're not likely to hit anyone..." (I walked through an army of orcs and left loads of loot for the way back. It looks rather amusing, in its own way, when an orc veteran comes charging and the hero doesn't even seem to stop walking, only swings his sword once and fells the beast...)
If DD2 is a continuation of DD, then perhaps the DO (Divine One) would have assembled a new council and ended the hostilities between orcs (and imps) and other races? Make it a bit more obvious that orcs are not evil. Bring foes from a new angle. But thugs could hail from any race, of course.
Joined: Jun 2005
I posted this somewhere else but I'll post it here too.
I got another idea for a sequel. How about being able to swim? Havin a skill like that that would allow the character to swim. For example, go into a secret, hard to find underground passageway, or into the sea to Atlantos (or whatever it was that Apolo called it):D.So lets say, the higher the skill level that further and faster the character can swim. Also, into how deep a waters the character would jump into and how long he/she can hold breath would depend on skill level.
Another thing:being able to throw rocks. One way to cross shallow waters would be to throw big rocks and make a passage way (And maybe cause an overflow ). Which would cost stamina as well as require certain amount of strength to pick up and throw certain rocks within a certain amount of distance. This would also be a good way to do some major damage to enemy.
Joined: Jun 2005
I think it would be nice if you lernd youre self up in to higher skills (lvl). (like in morrowind) Except mage skills (if you not start liken mage)
And different kind of armors, (Orcs can NOT wear imp armor) and woodelfs can easyer carry skinarmor (ligharmor, they get more def from light than hevyarmor(iron or metall))
And damage of a weapon should be where you hit the monster, in the throat it should die at once. (if you wher injured in one leg you should be limping around,) You can't run if you have an arrow in you stomach. It would be fun to snek up from bihind and put a dagger in the back, so the gards dont notice any-thing. (ambushes)
A MUCH bigger world, more citys and if you have noticed the human army is near half of all humans in the DD world (it should be more wifes and children)
One quest should lead to anothers.
Your you should only be abel to see infront of you.
Since DD1 ^^
Joined: Mar 2004
i don't know if anyone has said this yet but say that you exit the game, the next time you load, all of the mosters come back to life, like in Diablo2. in Divine Divinity you could only get to a certain level. and then you couldn't level up anymore.
but if you have the chance to level up to whatever, then i think the monsters should be harder to beat. more hit points and more strength.
Joined: Aug 2004
Don't focus so much on combat <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />. Try to add different solutions to problems (like sneaking past them <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />).
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Nov 2005
I agree with Ubereil. And i would be good if there were some more books and manuscripts. And the best thing in the game are the humour and the good ideas and that you can interact with most of the things around you... am i right?... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" />
Светът е хубав, светът е чудесен...
Joined: Apr 2004
Personally i like the fact that when you reach a particular level a new skill may be open to you.
If Larian choose not to pursue that path...maybe if our hero/ine could unlock these skill paths be reading several books.
Joined: Oct 2003
A mixture of the Divine and Beyond Divinity styles you mean? (DD: level for new skills + BD: learn new skills.)
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2004
Hmmm yeah..say you have a few basic skills aviaable to you. Then level up according to <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" />.
E.g you have say skills for swords,daggers,bows,fireballs and say traders tongue. You level up in these skills only.
To obtain other skills you could say read books...which can be found anywhere.It may be fun like treasure hunt.
Explore a house..you might be able to find a mages building where you can further find books which allow you to invest say freeze,elemental hail or something.
Or after completing a quest your reward might be to unlock another skill(s).
Joined: Oct 2003
Yes I see what you mean. That might work, though it would limit the free feeling of Divine Divinity somewhat.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Mar 2003
Perhaps low levels of most skills could be available from the start, books could teach moderate levels, and to really become powerful in something, you would need to find someone to train you. How much you could learn on your own might be linked to character stats. A high intelligence character could learn higher levels of mage spells without a teacher, while a high agility character could better learn thief and some combat skills.
Joined: Oct 2003
Yes, I like that! Especially the 'finishing' of a skill by means of either a teacher or an attribute your character greatly developed. I was thinking of the Fighters Guild in Divine Divinity. When you defeat the trainer, that could be the only way of having 5 points in the sword or axe skill. (Now you get boomerang or something.)
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2004
nice stuff <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Apr 2004
The thing is how does a trainer unlock those skills for you?
Assuming you have a reached the appropriate level..you go to a trainer and he say i can teach you a new skill.
If you agree you have an option of
A) Accepting a quest(set in the battlefileds arena..or an alternate universe..using portals to enter). These quests will test your ability by using existing skills(not the one you want). By completing this the trainer unlocks the skill for you.
Advantages: You get Expereince by killing any monsters plus expereince of solving quest. Disadvantages: Might take a while to complete the quest.
B) Paying the trainer to unlock skills for you.
Advantages: You get the skill instantanouesly.No need to wait. Disavdantages: Your purse is lightened plus you will not get any expereince/items by this method.
C) By pratciing the skill. Here the trainer allows you access of a skill you want. Then you have to practice it or if thats not possible to read about it and then the trainer will test you knowlegde.
E.g you want to learn say fireball...the trainer then you temporailry gain the fireball skill...but you must practise it on a dummy. So you cast the spell...now here is the catch. The spell may or may not work. f it does you get a message or your character says "ive done it". If not your character says" hmm it doesnt work". To gain the skill you must sucessfully cast say 25 fireballs. Naturally the higher intelligence you have the more likely you will be sucessful. Or if say you want to learn "hide in shadows " this may be difficlt to test in practice so the trainer gives you a book and you have to read and learn how the spell works. The trainer will then test you. If you get the answers correct you get the skill and a reward a good item.
Advantages: A good item of your choice..e.g you may feel your boots are horrible so you select boots from the reward list. Disadvatges: Can be boring and you need to be patient. May take time to complete as well.
Well what do you think?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2005
it looks great. so i wanna try the third method, and after five hours of casting fireballs, i finally have 25 succesive castings but oops i hit the trainer <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Aug 2004
A) Accepting a quest(set in the battlefileds arena..or an alternate universe..using portals to enter). These quests will test your ability by using existing skills(not the one you want). By completing this the trainer unlocks the skill for you. This way is allso more realistic, compared to just paying a trainer and you suddenlly have the skill. Übereil
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Jan 2006
-Tested well so it's released with little to no bugs, glitches, or crashing of any kind. After it's been rigorously tested, getting more testers that have never played the game will probably uncover more unforseen bugs.
-few classes and/or races that determine your alignment: Paladin good, Vampire race evil, Priest good, although an evil Satanic priest would be something
-more possible dialogue options with respect to race/alignment/class/sex (I said sex hee hee)
-more dialogue options in general
-possible to beat the game by slaughtering everything in sight as a chaotic neutral looney
-possibility to become so Divine that you can kill the gods themselves!
-release the game when it's done, not rush for a targeted release date
-multiple endings Chrono Trigger anybody?
-include a supersecretmessedupwhackytrippedoutending as an easter egg.
-include a class called the drunkard
Last edited by Demonia; 09/01/06 06:57 AM.
Confucius say: Lady who binge drink like fish, f#ck like dumb bunny.
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2004
-include a supersecretmessedupwhackytrippedoutending as an easter egg. only 1? tssss.....
Joined: Jan 2006
How about after levelling up one or two levels, your character finally KNOWS what's going to happen when she pulls a lever.....at lvl35, "I don't know exactly what that did.." ...... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> It's opened the bloody door, woman!! Just like every other lever you've pulled for the last 51 days!!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />
"If I love you, what business is it of yours?"
Joined: Mar 2003
The lack of the character's pattern recognition skills with levers is pretty bad. What's worse is repeatedly mixing stacks of potions and having them express amazement after each mixing produces a successful result.
You can turn comments off in the sound options, so I assume you would also be able to in DD2 if they use a similar comment system. An automatic/adaptive setting like you suggest would be nice. They could also have comments start being made much less often once you've triggered that type a certain number of times, and vary the comments ('I wonder what that did' becomes 'well, that should have opened a lock nearby' or 'whoever designed this place sure has a thing for levers').
Welcome to the forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
I don't know, I admit that the lever comments are repetitive, but in the end it became 'one of those Divine Divinity things'. Not that Divine Divinity II should copy that system, but I guess that what I want to say is that this didn't bother me. It became enjoyable.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2004
Ubereil: Yeah but some people like(not me) just paying someone to get the skill.
Joined: Mar 2006
As for me,I would like to see : <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> 1- Money doing much more than buying items : like you can invest some money by merchants; you can bet ;and you can own houses . 2- Skill point has another ways to be earned . 3- Powerful weapons which can be carried by one hand . 4- Allies : hired, saved by me or game plot . 5- Training areas : in order to improve your experience (of course each training has its costs ). 6- Wanted Posts . 7- Negotiation with merchants . 8- Horses . 9- Summoning powerful creaturs . How about a multiplayer option .I think it is a wonderful thing to see two players helping each other and solving quests together . WHAT DO YOU THINK ? HUH .
Joined: Oct 2003
As for me,I would like to see <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> 1- Money doing much more than buying items : like you can invest some money by merchants; you can bet ;and you can own houses . You can actually buy a house in Divine Divinity. 2- Skill point has another ways to be earned . A few of them can, but ok. 3- Powerful weapons which can be carried by one hand . I see you haven't discovered The Nobleman's Sword or The Sword of the Gods yet <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> 4- Allies : hired, saved by me or game plot . Could be fun, worth exploring, though I always enjoy the lone warrior style. 5- Training areas : in order to improve your experience (of course each training has its costs ). In Divine Divinity there's the trainer in the Warrior's Guild, but yes, some more might be nice. Also, that's about skills, not XP. Same goes for the trainers in Beyond Divinity. What do you mean? 7- Negotiation with merchants . Let's haggle! Sure. Yes, that would be great! Everyone's wish I guess. 9- Summoning powerful creaturs . In Divine Divinity you have the 'Summon Demonic Aide Skill'. And 'Resurrection' can result in a Dragon Rider pet. How about a multiplayer option .I think it is a wonderful thing to see two players helping each other and solving quests together . Not in my wish list, but lots of people would like it. I don't think there will be multiplayer in the next game though. Well, some of your ideas are already in the game in their own way, just not very prominent (except for the one handed swords <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />). Keep 'em coming though, there's always room for fresh ideas! Welcome to the forum <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
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Joined: May 2004
I think mounts will be there...
Anyway, you WILL be able to transform into a dragon and fly around, thats one of the few things thats told by larian...
Joined: Oct 2003
Oh really? I'd like to see a link to where it says that.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
old hand
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Joined: May 2004
Not a truly, truly 100% link but i think its 99% trustable http://divdev.pixelice.be/index.php?blogid=1its draghs site, he was at some game convention where they said that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> believe me?
Joined: Oct 2003
Yeah ok, now I believe! Now I'm a believer!
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jun 2003
Yeah ok, now I believe! Now I'm a believer! Yep I also believe it. Drag and some other students from his school met Swen Vincke a few months ago. And i am really confident about what Drag says. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> Barta
Joined: Apr 2004
1.You thinking of a stock exchange system? Right now you can borrow from Sir Patrick but i guess its not the same.
6. Sounds interesting..but what exactly do you mean? You get a bad rep in one town and some strong people over there try to fight with you?
Joined: Feb 2004
Hhmmm . . . I always go too far with these suggestion posts:
1. Spell Stats Customization: I loved how Beyond Divinity let me tweak spells to work how I liked, and that I could even combine different properties (Air and Water for example). I'd like to see that improved on.
2. Spell Graphics Customization: I'd like to be able to choose the "color" of a spell. If a cast a fire ball it all looks the same yes? I would be happy with a simple ability to back my fireball blue, gree, orange, red, purple . . . so I could color coordinate my spells with my outfit (simple to imagine, not simple to do for programmers, I think).
3. Character Graphics Customization: I like being able to color coordinate everything, I'm very visual. I'd like to be able to pick primary and secondary colors on any piece of equipment (Clothes, Armor, Weapons) so that I could say have a purple tunic with black trim instead of the standard (random example) blue tunic with white trim.
4. Player Character Customization: I also liek to be able to make the character I want to play. I often end up playign a female avatar in most games because most developers make their male characters too manly, all beefy no grace or beauty in them. Only rough. So I can't play their male characters and have to playa female instead. Allows graphical options to make males as ugly or beautiful (or anything in between) as possible. To be able to choose whether a character (male or female) is muscled or lanky or old or young or lithe and graceful looking as I liked would add much to feeling I was playing a character "I" would actually want to play. I do not want to play the beefy looking male characters! BD let me choose Muscled, Skinny, Heavy, Normal, male, female, kid, hair color, hair style . . . at least (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!). I hope to see this improved upon greatly.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> For example these options:
Male Female
Old old old Old Middle Aged Twenties Teenager
Body Types:
Fat Skinny BIG muscles Muscled Gymnist Ballet Dancer Normal Lanky
Skin Tones:
Pale pale pale Pale Tanned Olive Mocha Dark Dark dark dark
Hair Colors:
Many Shades of Red Many Shades of Orange Many Shades of Blonde Many Shades of Brunette Many Shades of Raven Many Shades of Gray White
And then some fake/dyed/or unrealistic looking hair colors:
Red/Orange/Blonde/Brunette/Raven hair color "Frosted" bleach blonde. Haircolor that's been Highlighted with another hair color (real or fake colors). Blue Green Purple Silver Pink
Hair Styles:
Several long flowing hairstyles Several long and tied back hairstyles Several long and styled hairstyles Several shoulder length hairstyles Several shoulder length and tied back hairstyles Several shoulder length and styled hairstyles Several short hairstyles Several short and styled hairstyles Several shaved hairstyles Several shaved in a pattern hairstyles Bald (Male and Female) Bald with tatoos
(By "styled" I am meaning beads in the hair, gel like effects to put it in unnatural positions, and pins/sticks/bones/jewels/flowers/etc . . . as decorations and other).
Face Texture:
Old old old Face Textures Old Face Textures Middle Aged Face Textures Young Face Textures Battlehardened Face Textures Beautiful Face Textures Tatood Face Textures Scarred Face Textures Jeweled Face Textures (Select color and pattern of the jewel/jewels)
Body Texture:
Old old old Body Textures Old Body Textures Middle Aged Body Textures Young Body Textures Battlehardened Body Textures Smooth Body Textures Hairy Body Textures Flat Tone Body Textures (Little-to-no muscle definition) Tatood Body Textures Scarred Body Textures Jeweled BodyTextures (Select color and pattern of the jewel or jewels)
Other fun things:
Nails! Long, short, painted, well groomed, average, or ratty looking nails! Make-up and face paint options for males and females! Piercings for the ears, eyebrows, lips, noses, and other palces for males and females! Innies and outies (Belly buttons ! ^_^ ! *tickles tummies*)! Wear leg armor/pants/dresses/skirts/kilts/wraps at the waist - or - at the modern waist! Cut off chest armor and clothing tops for males and females so we can see the belly button piercings and tummy tatoos!
Animations (Silly):
Several Animation sets for males and females that are like:
Clumsy Male/Female Animation Set (Trips a lot while walking - doesn't effect gameplay, just an animation) Hardy (Moves like is well trained and in good health) Shady Character! (moves around like they're up to something but nobody notices! They hand their hands int heir pockets and slump! Darn kids!) Paladin! (Moves around liek the arogant egotistical avatar of truth and justice that they are with their nose up in the air going "HMPH!" . . . maybe retitle this one "Rich Snob" o.O ? ) Graceful (Moves fluid like water . . . oooh pretty!) Nonchalant (Animated like they don't care about nothin! O.o) Bleeding Heart (Randomly stops to hug trees as you pass them by)
Fin. ^-^
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2004
Hhmmm . . . I always go too far with these suggestion posts:
1. Spell Stats Customization: I loved how Beyond Divinity let me tweak spells to work how I liked, and that I could even combine different properties (Air and Water for example). I'd like to see that improved on. Me too <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> That was one of the things i pretty much liked about BD over DD 2. Spell Graphics Customization: I'd like to be able to choose the "color" of a spell. If a cast a fire ball it all looks the same yes? I would be happy with a simple ability to back my fireball blue, gree, orange, red, purple . . . so I could color coordinate my spells with my outfit (simple to imagine, not simple to do for programmers, I think). I think with a fireball you'll have to do the colors eith how hot the flame is. For example, a stronger fireball could be blue (maybe at the start and if you shoot it from far away just red or somthing later). I dont know the exact properties of wich color flames are wich color. Or you could maybe buy some dust, or find/harvest wich makes firballs specific colors when you shoot em (could have the dust in a hand while shooting) . I actually think this wont be pretty much extra work for programmers. Just set different pallettes at the models 3. Character Graphics Customization: I like being able to color coordinate everything, I'm very visual. I'd like to be able to pick primary and secondary colors on any piece of equipment (Clothes, Armor, Weapons) so that I could say have a purple tunic with black trim instead of the standard (random example) blue tunic with white trim.
Trimmed stuff would be really nice too yeh, maybe at some shops you can let custom armor/robes be made. But by looting you will just need good luck to gain specific colors and trims. Dont make it all too simple to get that specific look you want. 4. Player Character Customization: I also liek to be able to make the character I want to play. I often end up playign a female avatar in most games because most developers make their male characters too manly, all beefy no grace or beauty in them. Only rough. So I can't play their male characters and have to playa female instead. Allows graphical options to make males as ugly or beautiful (or anything in between) as possible. To be able to choose whether a character (male or female) is muscled or lanky or old or young or lithe and graceful looking as I liked would add much to feeling I was playing a character "I" would actually want to play. I do not want to play the beefy looking male characters! BD let me choose Muscled, Skinny, Heavy, Normal, male, female, kid, hair color, hair style . . . at least (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!). I hope to see this improved upon greatly.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> For example these options:
The walks and stuff are a bit extreme but i like the rest, however, this could be pretty usefull when damage is done tocertain areas of the body. One thing thats really important for me is barbers, hair dyers and that kind of stuff. I dont wanna play the exact same character the whole game! Also maybe you can get brown if you are a lot outside, and white if you are a lot inside. Muscular if you fight a lot (arms+ torso), walk/run alot (legs), i think this part is a bit much work and stuff. Fatter if you eat a lot and thinner if you eat less. On some of these points fable did a pretty good job. Also at the scars etc. As a last thing i would like to notice. Something that sucked so hard about oblivion i cant understand the programmers didnt looked at that. Headshots!!! You hit some1 in the hand and you hit some1 in the head, same amount of damage! (how lame is that...), If we are talking about head shots, i would like some special sound (UT style) when you hit someone in the head. The walks Piscean talked about could be used when someone is hit in the leg or something. Also decacapating limbs (dunno if you write it like that) would be nice (at enemies then <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ). If you strike your blade fully at someones arm the arm flys off etc etc. Ok, that stuff will give the game a higher age rating but WTF, we want a good game! not things left out for a lower age rating (like done in many games. This is one of the things that make me really look forward to Dark Messiah of might and magic). <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> Hope Larian Used most of these ideas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
Some great ideas there Piscean! I hope Larian will take a look at your post!
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
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old hand
Joined: Jul 2005
You hit some1 in the hand and you hit some1 in the head, same amount of damage! (how lame is that...), Yeah, but what if the enemy hits you in the head???? Game Over????
Joined: Oct 2003
Why not? Unless you're protected by a helmet! About time helmets got some real actual use and don't just add to your armour class.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2005
yeah, but a full helmet would fully protect your face and stuff, while the open helmets would protect only the back of your head, your hair and a part of the forehead. still plenty of room for a one-shot-one-kill and again additional programming.
Joined: Jul 2005
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
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I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jun 2005
This suggestion I have is story based really, I think its nice. Here it goes: Now as of consequences and reactions I dont have any particular ideas in mind, but here's the trigger. I was thinking that if some key characters in the game (evil and benign) found out <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif" alt="" /> that Arhu the cat is actually a wizard <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />, and Zandalor's close friend at that, would lead to very interesting events in the plot of the game. As to what exactly, I dont know.
Joined: Apr 2006
Wow, there are some really good ideas here but I can add some of mine too.
How about to be able to have/built/buy (whatever) headquarters where you could choose the location of them and you could hire allies, guards, make your own castle with army anywhere you want or some specified locations. (ie. Imps deserted castle in dark forest or that spooky place with the engineer near the farmlands, abandon places or new). And some of the quests to occur in your castle (like in divinity when you were in stormfist castle) in order to gain territory or other quests. And the locals to make raids against your castle (whatever race they are) and you must defend it, your territories too. Something like a real time strategy game, GTA San Andreas and divine divinity. It would be something new and awesome.
Another suggestion: To be able to choose if you want to be a good guy or a bad one. (but I think this needs two scenarios and larian studios must program something like two games). And more skills and spells would be great.
Also the map to be bigger with much more enemies, monsters...
Oh, and the most important, to have multilayer. Not from the same computer though. And to solve quests with your friend and fight orcs and such. And to be able to split. Not go together all the time. (ie. one will be in Verdists and the other to the dark forest)
Anyway, these are my thoughts of the new game. It would be awesome a game like this. Of course the difficulty is which makes the game interesting. Divine Divinity was awesome.
Last edited by Creature; 31/08/06 03:03 PM.
Joined: Jul 2005
thanks, Creature, and Welcome to the forums.
To all: I still read these suggestion posts every day, so keep them coming. I can't make any promises nor say anything (yet?) - but who knows, you might be surprised when you play the game. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />
Stay creative and keep thinking, we appreciate it! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
Thanks Wazzz! Good to know we're being heard <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" />
So I'll make another suggestion: how about naming some evil warrior/warlord Macbeth? I'd love to meet myself in the game <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2006
Thanks Wazzz for the welcome. And thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions.
Joined: Jan 2006
What I really want to see is some puzzles, you get one or two hints, then have to figure it out, nothing particularly hard though...could be a bunch of patterns, which resemble figures or people...
Reading up...perhaps if you was attacked from the behind you may take more damage...like you can parry the front and side but always get hit from (or in) the behind...
Last edited by SirChronos; 11/09/06 07:34 PM.
Joined: Feb 2007
1st. Hireling's. We should have atleast 1 Companion (Druid,Elven Ranger,etc)
2nd: Pets. I'd love having a faithful wolf by my side at all times.
3rd: Houses. Like DD I would like to own my own (House,Castle,Abbey)
4th: Customizable Character. Complete Customization like: Male Elven Thief, Long Black Hair & etc.
5th: Military. Able to join (Factions,Guilds)
6th: Furniture. Keep that feature (Stealing furniture for Home)
7th: Larger World LARGER WORLD lol
My 7 Cents <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
Watch An Angel Fall & Tell Me What Pain Is
Joined: Oct 2007
Well well, my friends..im now addicted in DD, its really a good game. suggestions,?..always there are something need to be change, right...? --The best thing is DD has a special atmosphere to attract gamers, hard to say clearly, but it seems the result of many successful elements in the game. --Here are my ideas:
1/More class: if some, make it no human but also elf (archer), dwarf (warrior)....I like to be a heroic hero, so i hate something that comes from the dark...(vampiress, daemon in Sacred for example...).
2/Hirelings: I think this is rather important, i do not suggest a large party of hirelings (like Dungeon Siege...><). but only one..we still should concentrate on our character...Dont control the Hireling but can interact a bit...(Gives items,..order AI...).And if you do so, dont make it slightly...poor games come from poor elements....Of course, make it that we can choose what hirelings we want from various men/women of the world. They must level up, too...And change their form at least one time once strong enough (Upgrade is always interested)..They must be useful (dont make fool, stupids ones like they be in Sacred.)
3/Pet: mouting and fightning pets,..also...What i want is various, legendary pets, and the ability to choose...Dont make just boring horse...strange, neat monster , Character, objects interest everyone.
4/Better item system, upgrade available, Has better effect if any item is crafted...Look well if you equip it....Dont make just simple, pure ones...(Have u ever played MU - LEGEANDARY CONTINENTAL ?), WE WANT something striking to boast...
5/A bit more comfortable while fighting, dont halt us too much with the concept "a combination of ARPG and PRPG" (that make the game's combat process slow down),
6/Better skill system, by experienced the game, i realize that the skill system is come from the PRPG than an ARPG, it show the various use of the skills than to show their effect..(Its Ok, but if you can make it the the skill system is abit nicer and more actional, it will be very nice...)
7/ Use voice acting as much as possible, one of my favorite is hearing people say in game..
8/Make better AI...almost all RPG can not do this well, according to me...people in game are ll stupid and not human - being. --And the game does not fit the story..(I see most in MMORPG)..For example, you was told about a legend, a war, the fate of the world and your duty, face the evil to save the good....But what u can see in the game???nothing,...the moobs in the game is stupid, wandering units..(i dont wish to encounter such thing)..And u r a hunter, not a hero, lol..
---Oh, sorry, again, to our game..something that i dont satisfy: ++When the Orc attack the barrack, people seem r not worried enough, though they will fight any enemy who dare to intrude...but thats not enough, i still do not feel the taste of war...And generals (Mitox,..alix...) funny, just wander in and out, dont care about it...the Guards are surprising weak... ++The Orc still is animal for us to hunt,...Though they said much about their force...I dont hurry or worry at all...The moobs just wander and waiter... ++People seem just wait you to give the quests...its not natural...Do u really believe in a stranger, just from what they look - like?...(or the reputation...i see it...but if you cant do any thing more better, just change the conversations...)
++Much much more want to say, but i have no time now...I know i post my ideas here just to show what i think .because its must hard to make it real (event by other people..)...Any way, good luck to you, my friends at Larian and all you warm people here.... ==========================================Best Regards=====================
+I come to cleanse this land+
Joined: Apr 2004
Lotus: Funiture... oh yes a good one, maybe you can have a merchent who sells just furniture of different types, that way you can personalise your own home. I mentioned somewhere that it would be interesting to have a skill where you can build you own house. So Skill level 1 would allow you to build a tent where you can store some stuff and sleep. However you health/mana may not fully regenerate becuase sleeping in tent is uncomfortable, so you would have to sleep maybe twice or three times. Also you cant enter the tent, clciking on it means you can rest and dragging items on the tent will allow you to store items. Skill level 2 - Bigger Tent- Can put chests and the such in as well as a sleeping mat on the floor, like the orcs tent. Skill level 3 - 1 Room House- More solid and can have a weapons rack as well. Skill Level 4 - 3 Room House - 1 bedroom including a weapons/armour rack, Living room, kitchen. Skill Level 5 - Minature Castle, Paintings, Fireplace, Guards and a cook( naturually) as well as a butler, obviously you would have to pay them  Tragic
Joined: Nov 2008
To add my thoughts... About the items(weapons,armour...): -make them more difficult to obtain. -Random item generating is not so interesting(it lacks unique items) -make creatures/humans/imps drop what they are wearing and/or using as a weapon.It's kinda stupid when You battle a huge imp who is wearing a shinny helmet and wielding a Branch of Stamina and when you stomp him,he doesn't drop those items... -Item creating? But not in a way that You can create so many items as if You're a manufacture-person.
P.S. bad English...muahahahaha
Joined: Apr 2004
The only problem about monsters dropping what armour they wield is that, if they all drop weapona/armour you would be a very rich person( a bit too rich) seeing as you are killing loads of orcs and the armour/weapons would be valuable....... unless you sell them for very little value but then that would not be fair on the player! I think for this reason treasure is kind of limited.
I would like to see monsters using potions such as mana/health to regenerate themselves.
Joined: Nov 2008
That's all correct but let's see it this way:You'll kill dozens of imps but you won't be able to carry all this equipment because it will be very heavy(imagine youresf wandering across the impland carring 7 swords of stamina,5 helmets,10 gloves and 4 pieces of body armor...impossible),so you'll have to think carefully what you'll take and what you intend to sell. Another thing i would like to add to suggestions is a smaller and more realistic inventory.Let's say you can carry several potions,an axe and a sword or two and few pieces of spare armor parts.Also You'll have a bag for herbs and trinkets. I don't wanna this game to be some kind of real life simulation but with lesser stuff you can carry comes more decisions and planning(more thinking).
Joined: Mar 2003
Siege of Avalon did something similar with equipment. What was available was based on the opponent you defeated; you might not get all of the equipment, since some could be ruined in the fight, etc, and they might (rarely) be carrying something extra, but you pretty much got a selection of what they were wearing. The inventory was also limited, so selling excess collected loot required a bit of tedious running back and forth.
The setting is in a castle under siege (and the surrounding area), so initially the equipment you bring back can be sold for a fair amount of gold (which is needed mostly for skill training). The more you sell, though, the less they are worth. Eventually most of the equipment becomes worthless, which makes it a little boring checking defeated opponents on the off chance they might have something new you can upgrade.
Overall the game was fun, if a little short, but IMNSHO I have to say the 'realistic' equipment drops and inventory size were negative points.
Joined: Mar 2003
I enjoyed Siege of Avalon quite a bit, and there's still an active (and modding) German-language community at SOAmigos out there (it's a forum, actually).
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Apr 2004
Wishmaster: Good point about making the inventory smaller, the only thing which may be a snag is when you are fighting top bosses, there has to be a way that you need not drink 20 health potions!!!!as obvuiously you would not be able to carry it.
I do think that your strength should effect the amount you carry though.
Maybe use of more skills rather than healing potions???
Or maybe the use of allies or summmoned creatures may help??
Joined: Nov 2008
A good point. But! Why stick to the old sistem of rush in battle and stand in one position while you exchange hits with enemy while You're able to drink pots and Your enemy is dumb and don't know how to do it? I think it would be great if they implement some kind of control sistem where you can run around and avoid enemy attacks,therefore you'll have to be more careful and try not to get hit.Good examples are Dark Messiah and maybe The Witcher: in Dark Messiah average HP goes around 70 and that's 5 or 6 enemy hits.In The Witcher you can manuever Geralt to jump to the sides,go back or even jump over enemy to surprise him from back.Those sistems are great and I've always waited for next enemy in Dark Messiah because there were dozens of ways of killing/disabling him. I know that combat sistem in Divine Game is mainly Hack&Slash, but that should be changed/improved because it's a sistem that's not particularly interesting. (Imagine decapitating an imp! Or even running aroung a fat-brute-imp while he's trying to hit You with that mace of stamina....)) What was I saying again....?...
Joined: Apr 2004
I like your ideas, it would be fun to do all that, i also dont like it when you can heal but the enemy cannot do so, or heres another idea...... what if before battle you are allocated a certain amount of "items/skills" for a particular enemy. i.e you can only use the maximuim amount for any enemy. The amount of items/skills would be different according to the enemy you face.
So if you were facing an orc then you have say 20 items/skills. So in this example you could use 20 health potions or 10 health potions/5 mana potions and 5 skills against a particular enemy, that would make battle more challanging becuase then you would have to choose carefully what to use.
Joined: Mar 2010
As it stands right now, you have a mage class, a warrior class and a bad boy/bad girl class. What about a warrior monk or a priest? A spiritual class would be most welcome.