I didn't read the whole guide (takes too long - you talks too much y'all oops.. so do I

) so sorry if I'm repeating, but I am a mage, with a bit of some warrior as I got my strength up to 10 initially for equipment.
This has turned out to be quite handy if there's all of a sudden a bunch of enemies right in your face, which will proceed to be killing you as your magic missile is still seeking them. I have dual wield with some nice axes which can usually take them out, or at least stun them with whirlwind (which btw I think is a must for any class - unless you have no melee weapons whatsoever) which I will use as fast as I can (this keyboard thing sometimes sucks and I can't get to the key fast enough - old sticky keyboard = wanting to hurl it at the wall) till the magic missile kicks in
Magic missile is fantastic and at even level 5 will decimate most enemies even a couple of levels above yours. Plus you're at a safe distance - excellent quality to have.
I also disagree with a few people on the forum about fireball - of course it has a 15s cool-down but most of the others do as well. If's there's a bunch of enemies at a distance whom you wouldn't want to rush you, this will take them ALL out stone cold DEAD. (Absolutely funner than hell to watch as well

) And of course you spam like mad with missile before or afterwords, whichever makes the most sense.
I decided to put a couple of points in vitality so I wouldn't be punctured like a balloon quite so easily. Only about 7 though. No more in strength. A fair amount in intelligence, because I did want my damage to count more when I was weaker, then pretty much everything I had into spirit. You will need that extra mana like crazy especially once your spells get higher in level or you will be one very, very dead mage unless you have like 300 potions. I am now level 14 (a lot lower than most of you) but I think I've got my strategy mapped out.
I've already maxed lock pick a long time ago (the stuff in those chests can not only earn you money but get better equipment to help you stay alive). (Plus I have curiosity that killed the cat - but satisfaction brought him back - good kitty

) The rest I have put in magic missile and fireball - the last two I waited two levels so i could level them up. And 1 level in magic blast so I can see what it might do. Haven't tried it yet though.
ps: I have now enjoyed several times about 5 maxos skeletons appear right in my face and with one fireball (297 damage each) they fall to the ground like swatted flies.
Sorry - forgot to mention I have one point in destruction (although that still doesn't seem like I should be getting the damage I am - but who cares!
Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would be welcome.