old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
I have just added all Kickstarter backers that are on the forum to the groups that allow you to show off a badge under your nickname. However, YOU yourself need to check a box so that it shows. Click on My Stuff ![[Linked Image]](http://www.larian.com/forums/images/general/default/toggle_open.gif) in the menu on top and then click Edit Profile. You will there find an option "Group Images to display". Check the box of any badge you wanna show and then click the Submit button way down at the bottom. If you had a badge in your Kickstarter tier, but this option is not showing up, you probably filled in the wrong address in the Larianvault or haven't filled it in yet. 3376 people filled in an email address I could not find back in the forum database, so chances are there is something wrong. We will email these people to let them know. Please don't reply here in this topic, please fix it on larianvault. You can check what email address it should be by checking your forum profile.
Joined: Apr 2013
The kickstarter badge is great, but I like the weresheep badge more and I cannot find it ?
Joined: Apr 2013
Not working for me, although my registered e-mail address and the one I entered in the Larianvault are the same (double, triple, and quadruple checked).
I had originally used a different e-mail address to register for the forums, so I tried to get it working using that e-mail address instead. But that didn't work either.
Joined: Apr 2013
hurray for badges :p
but the only ones I can choose frome are displayed now.
Last edited by Dexyd; 03/07/14 08:19 PM.
Joined: Jun 2013
Same here, I pledged on kickstarter for the game and the weresheep package, but i cant see the "Group Images to display" optien on the edit prole page. And my email address in my forum profile is the same as the one i entered on the addon page on larianvault (but it's not the same as the one i used on my larianvault account).
Last edited by Hagarken; 03/07/14 09:09 PM.
Joined: May 2013
hurray for badges :p
but the only ones I can choose frome are displayed now. Thinking of that, what are those other badges I've been seeing?
CPU: i7-4930k, Gfx: EVGA 950, RAM: 16GB DDR3-2133 (quad channel), OS: Arch Linux
Joined: Mar 2004
The kickstarter badge is great, but I like the weresheep badge more and I cannot find it ? Same here, pledged for weresheep addon, but no badge (yet)
Ke se marei gola
Joined: Apr 2011
Thinking of that, what are those other badges I've been seeing? Imageinfo ftw... slightly silly you need to read a description to get it, but so be it. Forktong and RiptoR have developers badge. Why there are 2 different ones, don't ask me. Your K is kickstarter (that one's obvious) Dexyd's first is "divine" (what does it mean? I don't know) And RiptoR's first is "dragon" On second thought... no, that doesn't clear up anything at all either.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2003
Well, the badges are a work in progress, we'll see about clarifying them. Also, when you do check your email address on Larianvault, don't expect it to magically work. I'm sorry, but the Larianvault server cannot talk to the larian.com server, so it is something we need to do some SQL magic for. Manually. I am just going to give people here time to check their addresses and I will then do another export/import/sync thing on July 14th. Until then, I'm taking wife and dogs into the dark forest, away from computers and all that 
Joined: May 2013
I'm sorry, but the Larianvault server cannot talk to the larian.com server, so it is something we need to do some SQL magic for. Manually. I'm so sorry.
CPU: i7-4930k, Gfx: EVGA 950, RAM: 16GB DDR3-2133 (quad channel), OS: Arch Linux
Joined: May 2013
Ah, thank you. Those are for people who spent lots of money.
Last edited by nstgc; 04/07/14 03:02 AM.
CPU: i7-4930k, Gfx: EVGA 950, RAM: 16GB DDR3-2133 (quad channel), OS: Arch Linux
Joined: Apr 2013
Divine badge, hm? You poser... And @Larian: Were is the weresheep badge??? 
Last edited by LordCrash; 04/07/14 03:19 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Divine badge, hm? You poser... ![[Linked Image]](http://i.imgur.com/RIJGcN4.jpg)
"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
Joined: Nov 2010
So what are all the different badges available?
Joined: Apr 2013
And testing out the badges. EDIT: They work!! Sweet!
Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 04/07/14 06:31 AM.
Joined: Nov 2010
Still missing the Weresheep badge I guess 
Joined: Apr 2013
Still missing the Weresheep badge I guess Haven't seen anyone with one of those yet so I don't think they've been created, not sure if they're doing those anymore, in the Vault the WOOS addon doesn't mention the badge, only the KS page mentions it in the addon list. It they end up implementing them, great, if not I won't mind. I found the Weresheep journal thing in the game, now to look for the [SPOILER] plane!! 
Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 04/07/14 07:01 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Hmm, I've got these badges but not a Kickstarter one for some reason. Is that because I use different email addresses for Larian and Kickstarter? Larian Vault knows about my Kickstarter account, though.
Edit: looking through the replies, I'm guessing that the other badges are instead of the Kickstarter one... correct? I'm easily confused.
Last edited by Vometia; 04/07/14 07:11 AM.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jun 2014
If you had a badge in your Kickstarter tier, but this option is not showing up, you probably filled in the wrong address in the Larianvault or haven't filled it in yet. 3376 people filled in an email address I could not find back in the forum database, so chances are there is something wrong.
Well, the thing is, the addresses are correct, but upon login the forum says I have not registered or something like that and need to re-register. When I try that it says my account already exists. And here I am, responding like a registered but yet not registered user?
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