Joined: Mar 2003
The following is selected information from several topics in the old forum, about a problem where traps or summoned / resurrected creatures would immediately turn hostile towards you. Sometimes associated with this, some spells can miss-fire causing you to hit yourself. If you run into this bug, one person managed a temporary fix by banishing the scorpion he still had (and sleeping, maybe, IIRC) before hitting the gong. In the wastelands the trap skill started working again and he cast Aura of Command on a couple scorpions; once they died, however, new ones were hostile. Otherwise, you can use iZakaroN's SaveEditor to remove the skill points you placed in these abilities, and use them to adjust your strategy and playing style around this bug. ______ Originally posted by The Mighty Stamar, in the old forum: weird hostile scorpion trap bugthe mighty stamar; Well it might not even be a bug but Id like to describe what happened. I have 2 scorpion traps following me around, and just for the heck of it I resurrected an orc. The scorpion traps attacked the orc, but the suddenly the orc and both scorpion traps turned hostile. I ran naturally not having any way in hell to kill 2 level 300 scorpion traps. I ran to a teleporter to the 7 council chambers. But they both teleported there with me. None of my buddies would help me fight the scorpion traps so I summoned a skeleton wall. They turned hostile also, but they at least would fight the scorpion traps and each other. A melee ensued and fortunately one of the scorpion traps killed the other one.
HERES THE WEIRDEST PART. When I cast a spell at the scorpion traps, it damages ME and not them. So all I can do to try and damage them is fire my bow which does very little( I was curious as to how much exp I would get for a level 300 scorpion trap.)
So in my quest to kill the one scorpion trap I teleported to rivertown to pick up some more traps, to see if one would kill the other. Nope, all scorpion traps are hostile to me ( although they are also hostile to eachother)
This was fun, however I decided I would probably have a tough time finishing the game with all hostile summoned creatures so I went back to an earlier save.
WEll that is my next quest lol, how to kill scorpion traps mano y mano lol. Cause the only thing that has killed them so far are other scorpion traps. They dont freeze and all damage from spells go back to you, which I dont understand at all. I would bet you need frost sword which I dont have but Ill experiment.
The people like the guards and what not ignore them, and the traps ignore the guards. They only seem to want to kill you and other summoned things. And they follow you when you teleport there is no escape lol. I had some fun with it, I will try to isolate why they went hostile exactly. Most things you resurect are neutral, but the scorpions themselves may just hate orcs no matter what, which caused a weird chain of events in the hostile logic.
Raze; Good thing you noticed this right away, and were able to re-load a recent save. There appears to be a delay when resurrecting creatures before they are seen as allies by your traps. Perhaps this problem can be avoided my not mixing traps and summoned / resurrected creatures?
the mighty stamar; You want to know the really funky thing? When your summons are hostile, your magic is hostile too. I'm playing around with it more and I will a little each day, I'll have a seperate hostile game save in my quest to kill scorpion traps. But it just seems to be the case that whatever I target with a spell damages me. Somewhere in the code all magic has a 'faction' and aparently once you piss one magic aspect off, its all angrry with you. Lol its sort of weird. ______ Originally posted by Lwolfy, in the old forum: All Summonings suddenly goes Hostile???lwolfy; Help guys, i'm stuck in a bug i think, all my summonings goes hostile and kill me on sight, plus even now my scropions and spider traps goes against me. Furthermore sometimes even my own arrows and fireball backfires...man this is irritating
it's already day two and my scropion traps still behave in hostile, even sometimes when i use the poison weapon the bow backfires? anybody encounter this problem. I think the reason of it, is that i tried to cast a ressurection to a soldier died outside the barrack near the mind control area, and a orc as well...both of them started attacking me...i think this is cause of it? or am i cursed or something? ______ Originally posted by Tifa, in the old forum: Summoning help!!Tifa; Umm... I don't know if this has been posted, but I've just reached the part where you return as the divine one and I was counting on the deadly gift skill to help me clear the imps, but instead of being friendly, the steel scorpioins started attacking me instead. Even the dreadknight and skeletons are hostile for some reason. Not only that, but I loaded the a previous save (just before you ring the gong) and it tried the same test and the dreadknight immediately attacked me in that game too. I tried an earlier game (waaaay older) but the summoning is normal in that game. Is this a bug and can it be fixed, because I don't want to start all over again.
Oh, and I've also tried aura of command and charm on them.... didn't work. Neither did banish...
VectoreFlame; I had this bug too. I discovered that all my summonings go hostile after I fooled around with the resurrect skill like ressing guards, orcs, dogs, chickens etc and summoning a few skeletons for creating an army of different races when suddenly the orc I resurrected became hostile and I checked my minimap and found red crosses on all my summoned and ressed creatures. Later at wastelands I planned to use Scorps but they're hostile too
Tifa; I think I got it now... all your summonings become hostile if you resurrect creatures generated during cutscenes (eg. the orcs attacking the barracks, the first dragon you encounter, the orcs that the knight Seth kills, etc...) After that, anything you summon would be hostile. I'll investigate this bug a little more...
VectoreFlame; Good luck Another might-be possibility is that you accidentally misfired and hits a resurrected/summoned creature (like with splitting arrows) and all future summoned creatures become hostile (like with cats and dogs)
Joined: May 2003
[color:"blue"] [/color] Tifa had said that if you ressurect creatures/monsters from cutscenes (i.e the orcs attacking seth, first dragon etc etc..) that that might cause the problem of all your summoneds/ressurected/traps to attack you... Yes it makes sense because i have about 15 characters but i never ressurected any of those "special" characters (as mentioned above) and never had the problem.. but then i got a <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> mage and got a ressurect book right in the beginning at lv 0!! and i went ressurect crazy, and , of course i couldnt help but ressurect an orc that attacked seth..his name was tim, and then all i did after that was res res res res res eveything including John the dragon rider...so thats gotta be it, unless the patch caused this bug... P.s.- Thanks for all the feedback...much abliged. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
P.s.s- I hope i wont have to start this character over again! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" /> PLEASE no!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />
Signed: I wont res those guys no more Lol <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Apr 2003
nice compilation, RaZe!..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />
[color:"#33cc3"] Jurak'sRunDownShack!Third Member of Off-Topic Posters Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF. [/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Joined: Jun 2003
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> Hm... thats quite an interesting bug. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I'm playing a warrior right now and was thinking of playing a wizard <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> later. Resurrection <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> sounded appealing but now I'll think twice <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> before investing in that skill. Thanks for the heads up. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Bethany~ I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Hahaha. *MUAH*
Joined: May 2003
i resercet the forest trolls at the dark forest, then hop into the dwarevs are, come out, there back as bad guys, then kill them; eserect them, then go back and within 10 minutes ur a new level. your proceed with doing this for about 2 hours, and ur 15 levels higher, with 45 stat points and 18 skill points! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2003
[color:"purple"] Hm... thats quite an interesting bug. I'm playing a warrior right now and was thinking of playing a wizard later. Resurrection sounded appealing but now I'll think twice before investing in that skill. Thanks for the heads up. [/color] Well ressurect <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> is a great skill, even if your a warrior, because you arent limited in which skills you can choose, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> which means warriors can get mage <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" /> skills and vica verca. Also, I think the bug happenes only if you ressurect [color:"yellow"]"special monsters"[/color] spawned during cutscenes like the dragon rider (John) that attacks you. Overall I recommend getting ressurect, because its a great spell. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2003
I use that strategy too, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> except i ressurect other things as well. Another thing to do is after ressing them, use the pyramid to teleport back to wherever you have it, then teleport back, and voila! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> They're hostile again! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2003
u use that too? hmm. I thuink some other people use it too.
Joined: Mar 2003
The forum server/domain was changed some time ago; any old links to "lariancom.siteprotect.net" just have to have that part of the URL changed to "larian.com" to work properly. Here is an updated link for editor: iZakaroN's SaveEditor (or from Kiya's site, with description).