Joined: Jul 2014
To my fellow gamers! This is a walkthrough I have created for Divinity - Original Sin. It is quite thorough and should contain solutions to every quest and puzzle in the game. I have put approximately 500 hours into making it and have to admit I am quite pleased with the result. I use it actively myself in my playthroughs and I wanted to share it with all of you now that it is finished. Hopefully you will find it useful too. I had quite a lot of fun creating this walkthrough and playing the game. The walkthrough is also a tribute to Larian Studios who created such a wonderful game. The walkthrough is created primarily to be easy to use as a reference guide. All references to other parts in the document are hyperlinks that you can click on to jump to them. This goes for the contents as well. Divinity Original Sin - Walkthrough.pdfHere are a couple of pictures from the walkthrough: ![[Linked Image]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-eKEcoYAeJE4/VEjogXuDs0I/AAAAAAAABBw/0cOCBbrJ_Cw/s640/Walkthrough_Sample1.jpg) Enjoy!
Last edited by ivra; 13/11/14 11:39 AM. Reason: Updated link
Joined: Jul 2014
I have upgraded the walkthrough (now version 1.1) to version 219 of the game, and fixed a few errors.
Last edited by ivra; 01/11/14 11:43 AM.
Joined: Nov 2014
Wahou ! That's the first word that came to my mind when I saw and read this. You did an awesome job. Thanks for that.
Though this is a fantastic document I would suggest anyone to not read it until you are desperately lost because it will break the magic of this fantastic game (I just read one clue about how to open the shield door to the treasure room in Hiberheim castle because, for who knows what reason, I did want to find the well teleportation scroll and I was upset to not find how to open the door - and I has been a bit ashamed of myself when I read the solution that was so easy).
Thanks again for writing this (I just can't imagine the amount of work, and try and retry, you put into it).
And of course thanks to Larian for doing such a great game.
Joined: Jul 2014
You're welcome And yes, of course it contains spoilers...
Joined: Apr 2005
Beautiful maked walkthrough !!! What a big great work you've done here, woow ... If I'm ever stuck with a Quest, I know where to search for a solution  !!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jul 2014
Beautiful maked walkthrough !!! What a big great work you've done here, woow ... If I'm ever stuck with a Quest, I know where to search for a solution  !! Thanks for the kind words. It makes me happy to hear that you like it.
Joined: Nov 2009
This is a fantastic guide. I really appreciate the hypertext in the index because it makes finding specific quests so easy. You deserve a whole bunch of recognition and gratitude for the amount of effort you obviously have put into the guide. Thanks so much for sharing.
Joined: Jul 2014
The link to download the pdf file does not work anymore. Apparently Dropbox does not allow unlimited downloads from a free account. Does anybody know of a free file sharing site that does?
Joined: Jul 2014
I have made a temporary solution by changing to another site, but they have a bandwidth limit as well. Since the dropbox link do not work at all this temporary link will have to do for now. The first post is updated to include the new link.
Joined: Jul 2014
Thanks to Raze the pdf file can now be downloaded directly from a server at Larian Studios. This is a good, permanent, and stable solution that does not depend on the policy of different file sharing providers. The link in the first post is updated.
Joined: Dec 2014
As a brand new player, this guide is incredible. Definitely has helped me get back into the groove of things. Been way too long since a great crpg. Normally I'd prefer to discover all this on my own, as I did with Icewind Dale, but my time has become limited over the years.
Joined: Jan 2009
Thanks for creating the guide. I needed to use it a few times to complete the game... but why on earth did you arrange it in alphabetical order?
Chronological would have been INFINTELY better, and much less likely to have players accidentally spoil themselves. I mean, you have placed the final main quest of the game smack-in between "The Teleporter Stones" and "The Star Stones", which are among the very FIRST quests of the game. How does that make any sense? It does not.
Joined: Apr 2005
Stabbey has a point  !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jul 2014
True, but how would you sort them? There are a lot of quests that can be taken in any order. I failed to find a chronological order I was satisfied with, and also, I didn't want to decide in which order the quests should be performed. So I decided to collect them by maps and sort them alphabetically within each map. I do agree that the end mission of the Homestead map is a bit misplaced. I could have put that one in the end of the walkthrough even if it kind of belongs to the Homestead map.
Joined: Jan 2009
I'd sort them roughly by order of visit, as suggested by the level of enemies in the area. There's a pretty clear progression based on the enemy levels. The general order of the locations (going from my memory) is:
starter beach -> Cyseal harbour -> Cyseal city -> Homestead (first visits) -> West Cyseal -> northwest cyseal -> Black Cove -> Fire area -> Villa -> Old Church
Then it would be Silverglen and Environs -> White Witch's Cabin -> Hiberheim -> Luculla Mines -> Immaculate Initiation Temple -> Sacred Stone -> High Plains
Certainly some things can be done in different orders, and there's always flexibility with how things could be arranged. I'm not expecting you to change the FAQ... but that's about how I would have arranged it.
Joined: Apr 2013
Amazingly detailed guide and you have done a great job in linking all the characters and items in there as well.
Purely cosmetic suggestion but it would be great if someone could make a cover page as awesome as the guide itself. And perhaps put in some Creative Commons license in there.
Thanks for the great resource that you have created.
Joined: Jan 2015
You are awesome. Definitely checking this out for the next playthrough.
Joined: Jan 2015
I'm on my second playthrough, in the process of checking what I missed at first. Just registered to thank you for this beautiful and terrific guide. Fantastic!
Joined: Jul 2014
Thank you all! Glad you find it useful 
Last edited by ivra; 26/01/15 08:10 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
One small addition:
In Cecil's Mighty Staff --> I could get +50 attitude from Conrad after I delivered the staff to Cecil, just had to talk to him about Dietmar.
Joined: Feb 2015
Joined: Nov 2014
Any plans of updating this for the EE. This was an awesome resource, that I unfortunately did not utilise fulling since I did not get around to completing the game - partly also becuase Larian announced that they were making an EE.
Joined: Jul 2014
Honestly, I do not know. At the moment I am waiting for the EE version to be a bit more mature before I start playing it for real. I hate redoing stuff so I will not start until the EE version has been patched up to become a stable game with no new surprises or changes thrown into it. Anyway I am considering upgrading the recipe list first, but again no promises. I am not sure I want to upgrade the walkthrough, since updating it is not as fun as creating it in the first place. Also I need to consider my health which for the moment is not too good. So no promises.
Joined: Nov 2015
Joined: Aug 2015
Hey all, is this guide pretty good that will cover all the options from the Enhanced Edition of the game? I would like to go through the game in completionist style. If not, can someone point me in the direction of one that could?
Thanks, Mereinid