Hi there, i played trought this alpha somes hours and went to theorycraft a bit.
I found the races not really "balances", let me explain.
First thing you expect is to play a lizard as a wizard, basically for the +2 int and the cool spell and that's right it's good. Same goes as a dwarf warrior etc...
But looking at the +2 in one stat matter only early game, (currently my wizard lizard is level 7 and have like 30 int and 24 mem so +2 isnt that impacting). So let's take a look at the races spells.
-lizard: breath of fire (dunno the exact word but you see what i am talking about right?) 1 ap to use, not good damage at all (in comparaison to other spell ofc) at least dealing aoe. The only way of this spell beeing worth is using it in combo with other element (basiccally like every magic spell in dos2 tho). I would say not that good but can be a situational choice.
-dwarf: cost 2 ap (hit me if i am wrong and it's only one), if no physical armor set petrified for 2 turn. Great a good cc spell, but a wich cost? In comparaison to the warfare spell it's not fiting up just because it dont deal damages at all. For the same cost you can set 1 turn cc in aoe and dealing damages. This one isnt bad, but still can find better combinaisons i guess.
-human: encourage (1ap), good buff in aoe for all the team most of the time (if not over-splitted). Well it's only good on a support i guess because you dont wanna use one ap in a damage dealer, better buffing youself and keeping that ap to burst next turn.
-elves: flesh sacrifice (isnt it the right name?) first thing 0 ap to use, ok it's cheat as hell good not what giving a buff of +20% damage and -1 constitution (for 2 turn) and +1 ap. That mean that this spell dont cost 0 ap, but really -1 ap (cause you gain 1 ap when you're using it). Not only giving ap but bosting your damages as well (+20%) and for 2 turns. Only a minor malus that is -1 const (like i said earlyer the +2 racial dont bother in mid/end game, same for the malus of -1).
If we copare racial spells you have a gap of 2 ap between elves and other (3 for dwarfs). This is HUGE in dos2 this means barly half ap of a turn (that is 4 ap per turn i remind). In theory any damage dealer should be playing an elf, because +1 ap and +20% damages (dont mind constit at this point really) is clearly overwhelming. For thoses saying but an elf mage have +2 finesse and not +2 int, the +20% damages means as good as an +4 int for the damages (5% per point).
Really the 1ap boost is too much i think.
To keep it balanced there is 2 ways, nerfing elves (that's sad i think the spell is well made and the race is fine like that); and adjusting other's races spells, like this as an exemple:
-dwarfs: cost only 1 ap (maybe increasing the cooldown by 1 turn so)
-humain and lizards: decrasing the cost at 0 ap.
I explain why decrasing the cost of the human spell (becaus i think after what i said it's obvious for lizards), for me humans now are all only support (wont take a buf for team costing 1 ap on damage dealer, it's lossing 1/4 of a turn for a buff really not that good in term of self damage, i mean 5% isnt that much). That's why making it to 0 ap whould encourage taking human as damage dealers.
Last thing about encourage spell, i could aslo sugest a refonte (if the 0 ap proposition isnt fiting you think): keepink the cost at 1/2 ap but instead buffing all alies (like commander not himself) with a +10%/+20% damages and restoring 10%/20% of there magical and physical armor. this buff whould last only one turn. I think of it as the leader screaming in the right moment to boost momentally his squad (that's why a better boost of damages/tankyness but in a few time).
Whoa i spoke a lot here, hope i wasn't boring and my english masn't hard to read

In the wait of your replies,
Ps: Princess Luna is best pony!