Thank you for once again giving us an excuse to put off our real world responsibilities and delve into your world.
If I may be so bold as to make a few requests however?
1) Please add additional merchants that have no quest/companion ties whatsoever.
It's beyond maddening to discover that I cannot gain any new skills for my character because one of my companions once scolded the bread makers daughter who happened to be the first love of the merchants recently deceased husband.
Have them also stock all books up to the current level, at times my character is such a pauper he cannot splash out on luxury items like skill books - so the option to return at a later date would be a blessing.
2) Please ensure there is a way to reset your skillpoints/attributes/known spells without having a massive drawback or obscene monetary penalty attached.
I want to explore your world and play with all the wondrous options you've provided for us, not be 10 hours in and then decide "Oh - THAT'S how this works? Well, no wonder I'm suffering in fights so much, guess I'll just have to struggle for the rest of the game then.
I don't want to be punished into having to start a new game and then have to go through the heartbreak of becoming bored with clicking through the plot that not a few hours ago I was in love with - only to have it become a similar feeling of trying to have a conversation with my wife of 30 years after she just got back from the spa.
The implementation could be simple, just have it in the menu's if you don't want to make a fancy dream-like area for such things.
Add a cooldown to switching out abilities so people aren't using it to customise their characters before every fight, and bobs your uncle.
3) No, I do not want my companions to casually walk through that fire when there's a nice way around it.
Thanks for listening, I know you've got a lot on your plate.