Really? This is the first time ever I hear anything that level cap could be higher then level 10 for the full release.
They probably confirmed it before the EA even began, or at very least around that time.
The claim was that they revisited the initial plans to cap at 10 because they realized they were preparing a lot more content than originally anticipated.
I am not fan of high level characters. I liked BG1 when level cap was level 7.
Well, I didn't.
Or to be more specific, I love to start from the low levels just because I find the initial "everything is dangerous and you are weak" thrilling, but at the same time it's from level 5 going up that I start to genuinely enjoy the mechanics and the variety classes offer, especially in combat.
If level cap is not 10 then please not higher level then 12 level cap.
it's not up to us to decide, since it will probably be tied to the amount of stuff in the game first and foremost, but aside for that, I'd be absolutely satisfied with a cap at 14. The range between 5 and 14 is precisely where most people think D&D shines.
Before that it's too scarce with tactical options etc, while above that range pretty much any class starts to become hilariously game-breaking in terms of power creep.