I mean, the turn duration would be almost identical. The only difference is that they are standing still instead of walking/attacking. And you are taking no punishment at all, on the contrary, you are getting advantage all the time.
Can you hide during combat or is that supposed to be not allowed in the PHB?
Here is the passage in PHB (p. 177, 10th print):
H I D I N G The DM decides when circumstances are appropriate for hiding. When you try to hide, make a Dexterity (Stealth) check. Until you are discovered or you stop hiding, that check's total is contested by the Wisdom (Perception) check of any creature that actively searches for signs of your presence. You can't hide from a creature that can see you clearly, and you give away your position if you make noise, such as shouting a warning or knocking over a vase. An invisible creature can always try to hide. Signs of its passage might still be noticed, and it does have to stay quiet.
In combat, most creatures stay alert for signs of danger all around, so if you come out of hiding and approach a creature, it usually sees you. However, under certain circumstances, the DM might allow you to stay hidden as you approach a creature that is distracted, allowing you to gain advantage on an attack roll before you are seen.
Passive Perception. When you hide, there's a chance someone will notice you even if they aren't searching. To determine whether such a creature notices you, the DM compares your Dexterity (Stealth) check with that creature's passive Wisdom (Perception) score, which equals 10 + the creature's Wisdom modifier, as well as any other bonuses or penalties. If the creature has advantage, add 5. For disadvantage, subtract 5. For example, if a 1 st-level character (with a proficiency bonus of +2) has a Wisdom of 1 5 (a +2 modifier) and proficiency in Perception, he or she has a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 14.
What Can You See? One of the main factors in determining whether you can find a hidden creature or object is how well you can see in an area, which might be lightly or heavily obscured, as explained in chapter 8, "Adventuring."
Can you hide during combat or is that supposed to be not allowed in the PHB?
You can hide during combat according D&D5e RAW. But it supposed to cost full action for everyone but rogue, so you wont be able to hide and attack on the same turn in most cases. And unless DM decided to put you against some really stupid and half-blind enemies, you would need to hide in more active way as in "While they blink, I duck under the table and stealthily get out on the left side of it", not just hide in a plain sight.
So usually you are not allowed to hide in plain sight --> some classes get abilites for that.
That means, imho, that when you are hidden and you initiate combat by attacking a creature, you get advantage on that first attack (e.g. by using a ranged attack, or by not beeing seen when aproaching --> Stealth check vs. Perception check).
Once you attacked, you gave away your position and for the other creature you are in plain sight (--> PHB p. 194, 10th print: "If you are hidden - both unseen and unheard - when you make an attack, you give away your location when the attack hits or misses.") --> no more hiding, except for e.g. Skulker feat or similar.
Can you hide during combat or is that supposed to be not allowed in the PHB?
You can hide during combat according D&D5e RAW. But it supposed to cost full action for everyone but rogue, so you wont be able to hide and attack on the same turn in most cases. And unless DM decided to put you against some really stupid and half-blind enemies, you would need to hide in more active way as in "While they blink, I duck under the table and stealthily get out on the left side of it", not just hide in a plain sight.
yeah you can hide during combat, but not in plain sight. And as I have cited, in PHB on p. 194 it says, that you give away your position once you are attacking.
There are spells and feats to facilitate hiding again. These spells and feats are invalidated by letting a player hide again in combat "just because".
In the video hes not in plain sight tho, hes in total darkness. Theoretically he doesnt even need to hide for this unless those skeletons have darkvision within range. Either way they should be moving towards where the Eldritch Blast is coming from.
In the video hes not in plain sight tho, hes in total darkness. Theoretically he doesnt even need to hide for this unless those skeletons have darkvision within range. Either way they should be moving towards where the Eldritch Blast is coming from.
Ok, so this is a broken thing then. I mean the problem is, even if he isn't in plain sight - he is still firing arrows/magical blasts at the enemy and they are just not actively looking for him at all.
Like it's totally normal for my friend to have had his head explode like a ripe melon after that blast from the shadows which lit the entire room up - "so lets not explore that situation and maybe it will go away"
Or that arrow sticking out of my friends face "must be a birthmark I never noticed."
In the video hes not in plain sight tho, hes in total darkness. Theoretically he doesnt even need to hide for this unless those skeletons have darkvision within range. Either way they should be moving towards where the Eldritch Blast is coming from.
That's true and I'm going to check how the AI treats stealth now, cause they buffed it with the last patch. But there is one problem still staying for sure - he's not supposed to be able to use Eldritch Blast and hide on the same turn by RAW. That's too OP. For a rogue the ability to both attack and hide is a way to mitigate the fact that he's not very good at tanking and may fight on the front lines at the same time and the way to buff his attacks, while he uses fairly weak weapons. And here we have Warlock, who can stay away from his enemies and keep fighting and uses Eldritch Blast which is quite powerful as it is.
Ok, so this is a broken thing then. I mean the problem is, even if he isn't in plain sight - he is still firing arrows/magical blasts at the enemy and they are just not actively looking for him at all.
Like it's totally normal for my friend to have had his head explode like a ripe melon after that blast from the shadows which lit the entire room up - "so lets not explore that situation and maybe it will go away"
Or that arrow sticking out of my friends face "must be a birthmark I never noticed."
I can bet that if the AI problem isn't solved with the last patch (the video is older), it will be eventually. Larian already know how to write the logic for that, they had it in DOS1-2. They had the AI even being nasty enough to just nuke the spot where they saw you last time with an AOE. And that light beam on the hiding spot is there for a reason.
Ok, again Larian is ignoring 5e rules instead of using them to not make it broken. Ok, so here is how it works in DnD 5e and it's perfectly balanced. Coming from someone who plays and leads as DM.
1. Bonus Action Hide is ONLY and EXCLUSIVE to Rogues on level 2. No other class can get it and there is no other way to get it in game. 2. Hide can only be made in combat if you are "heavy obscured" to enemy, meaning that they can't see you at all. So you can use Hide action in: total Darkness if enemies do not have Darkvision, Magical Darkness if enemies do not have Blindsight/Devil's Sight/True Seeing etc., thick smoke/fog (Like Fog Cloud spell) if enemies do not have you in their blindsight/tremorsense etc. range or Greater Invisibility unless again they have other senses to locate you. In short- enemies need to not being able to see you at all. There is Light obscured condition in 5e (like tall grass, light fog etc.) and heavy obscured (magical darkness, fog cloud spell etc.).
In practice is not that easy and common to use as you need to pair it mostly with some magical "heavy obscure" effect to allow you do it becasue encounters are not inside heavy obscured areas 99/100 times becasue why would they.
Every other class (unless they multiclass min. 2 levels into Rogue) would have to use Full Action to do that but they still need to be heavy Obscured.
Of course enemies can use their action any time to roll Perception check and try to beat your Stealth check for Hide and locate you. They can also use stuff like Fearie Fire, Detect Thoughts, Locate Creature, AOE damage and so on. Or find you with their Blindsight/Tremorsense/True Seeing if you are not behind total cover becasue then they just see you as you are not obscured at all.
So in 5e it's not that easy to do it and while it is potent tool for Rogue, it's not easy to set it up and it can be countered by many different ways.
Yes. Also there need to be stealth circles (like Solasta) around each character who is in stealth, so enemies you're close to can roll Perception checks even if you're out of their field of vision.
Judging by how a big white marker appears when you go stealthy, I suspect the stealth system is, much like encumbrance was pre patch 5, not properly implemented. Barrelmancy is much more akward to do now I can't lug them all around so easily! I expect once AI is properly integrated with the stealth, movement to where you were in stealth (non humans can very often see in the dark after all) or even outright throwing things like alchemists' fire or such is going to start happening.
Bonus Action hide is a thing Rogues can do in 5e, but it should be a Cunning Action thing like Bonus Action Dash or otherwise triggered by an ability (I believe rangers get Bonus Action Hide eventually)... and also hide in general on a tabletop is judged case-by-case by the GM which in a video game context means adding tags in places to note whether there is enough cover or low enough light to pull it off.
I hear you, and I hope that they come up with an AI solution to the problem you point out and the potential cheese. However, even if that weren't the case, I think having hide as a bonus action for everyone also makes the rogue less appealing/unique/useful. The bonus action hide seems an important part of what makes the rogue stand apart.
Ya stealth is pretty gimmicky, if its still in the game pretty sure you can get multiple attacks off with the first person initiating combat from stealth also.
(I believe rangers get Bonus Action Hide eventually)...
They do ... at 14th level.
It's actually a common complaint about the Ranger in 5e that they have to wait that long to get it. Honestly, Rangers getting it a lot sooner than that is a change I wouldn't mind Larian making.
You shall try the DND Rebalancing mod on Nexus, it revert most of Larians changes to actions and make it more stick to paper, I feel it a lot fun to play with the mod.
Bumping as this was not resolved in Patch 5 (and I can no longer edit the OP to add this information). They made Disengage an action (good!), but did not change Hide.
In fact, based on my brief testing this issue seems to be WORSE in Patch 5. Example: If you attack Lae'zel in the tutorial, after you end your turn hiding she runs straight into the Imp room and attacks everything in there unprovoked. It is only after the Imps are all dead that she will revert to "standing around" like the video shows until you kill her. This also happens with the Imps at the top of the stairs outside. Instead of standing around after you hide, they now run and attack the cultists working the cannons.
I guess you can make the argument that since you are hiding.. they don't know what attacked them and just zerg everything in the area instead. While that may make sense thematically, it is terrible for a video game and IMO an AI downgrade. However, any changes to the AI (like simply checking the PCs last known location when they hide and force a roll, as I suggested in OP) is a bandaid and does not change the underlying problem. Which is Hide as a Bonus Action.
New patch, new bump! Initial tests in patch 6 show some improvements. For the initial Imp battle, it seems the response to all allies hiding is for the Imp to take the 'Dash' action and investigate your location. Previously they would all stand around like the video in the OP. This is the "bandaid" fix I suggested in previous posts. Video:
For the record I still don't like Hide as a bonus action, but at least they are attempting to fix it breaking the entire game. Can't say for sure yet if this is a universal AI change.. we'll see as I test other battles.
I've also noticed that the "Plotting next move" seems to be a bit faster, which is nice. Lae'zel's actions (see quote above) do not seem to have changed since the last patch. She still rushes in to fight all the Imps if you hide after attacking her.