aka How to destroy items
This is a brief summary of a couple bugs which (assuming you run into them) can be easy to recover from if you save before looting or moving a lot of stuff around.
There is a bug with putting items in a container in your inventory, or picking stuff up after using a potion or spell to boost your strength. NOTE: This was fixed in the download versions of the game.
The weight you are carrying is not updated properly (in the disk version) when you place an item in a container in your inventory. This allows you to carry much, much more than you should be able to. After moving/dropping/picking up/equipping anything that changes your main inventory, however, the weight will be re-calculated. You may then be carrying more than your maximum weight capacity, in which case
nothing will go into your inventory. The same situation can happen after Bless, Heaven's Blessing or a strength potion wear off.
If you are over-loaded and equipping something causes this update, what it replaces will be destroyed. The first time I ran into this was in the farmlands, where I accidentally equipped a rake while I was looting, and lost my sword. Fortunately, I had saved a couple minutes previously. If you drag and drop something where there is a red X when overloaded, it will be destroyed. I had a very full chest disappear dropping it where there was no red X once. This bug with containers is handy for moving a lot of stuff at a time, but is rather dangerous.
A few people have encountered disappearing chests. Those which have zero weight when open seem to be more susceptible to problems.
When encumbered, Kiya dropped a couple chests (one inside the other), clicked on it and it disappeared. See the
before and
after screen shots of this, and a possible
warning sign of trouble with a chest.
Some have found that disappeared chests were visible at night, or when they stood at a certain location. One person had a chest disappear when they put it down outside a building, but it was visible when they went inside, and they could get their stuff back using Telekinesis.
Corshal encountered problems with just a couple different styles of chests, and found a clipping error when tossing multiple chests several screens away (using the shift key to move the screen focus) where the chests were replaced by sections of walls.
connected containers? for more fun and games with chests (and barrels).