Joined: Nov 2020
Potion dont prevent burning... It only halvens the amount of damage you get from fire ... and as Niara said it dont stack ...
So if your character allready is resistant to fire damage it does nothing and that is corect by design.
So if you stand in fire you get 1d4 fire damage + you can get Burning status that gives another 1d4 per turn ... If you stand in fire with fire resistance (no matter if from race or potion) situation is same but your damage recedived is reduced to half ... so 1d4/2 And if you havw racial resistancw AND potion they dont stack so still 1d4/2 With resistance firw still burns only slower. The potion description doesn't say you only take 1/2 damage from fire. It Says "Gain resistance to Fire damage until your next Long Rest" whereas with the Waste Land wander Fire it specifically states that you 1/2 damage from fire. Now you can see how someone can be confused by this and it should be corrected in the potions description. Because pretty much the only way to save that guy is by pure luck. It took me several loads to save that guy.
Joined: Nov 2020
Any chance of us getting decent versatile weapons that we can actually Dual wield? A lot of the good ones that are "Versatile" say that "They Can't Be Dual wielded which I think sucks. not to mention the fact that Larian assumes that everyone is right-handed making the right hand the main hand. what about the left-handers in the world? Surely you can't say that they didn't exist back then.
So far the only decent weapons for which you can dual wield are either one-handed weapons or if they are a versatile weapon they either can't be dual-wielded or their enchantments don't work in the off-hand like the Shattered Flails 1d6 healing damage. Shouldn't matter what hand it's in as long as you got it equipped the enchantments should work. How is the inanimate weapon going to know what hand it's being used in?
Joined: Jan 2022
Greetings one and all, my first point to make is simple: Love what you are doing and what you are attempting to do! Keep at it! Now for the nit-picking. I am curious about the cinematics employed. Firstly, the early scenes onboard the Nautiloid. The last character-centred cinematic prior to crashing on the beach, your character hangs precariously from the control panel. Gripping stuff - no pun intended. My thought was the other characters. Is there any reason why the other figures cannot be manipulated in basic ragdoll fashion to reflect the physics that the main protagonist undergoes? For instance, in my play throughs I see Lae'zel, Shadowheart, a Cambion and an Illithid just standing around whilst I am thrown about the cabin. If it's an issue of processor versus effect, then I can understand. But small inconsistencies are often what seperate a truly great game from the rank and file. Several other cinemtacs suffer similar fate, with the main character reacting (as focus of the graphics) whilst they stand in the background and do nothing. Also, the fact that you blatantly openly display Astarion's Vampiric nature, Wyll's demonic pact and Gale's...um...mental state in your artwork, completely negates the whole intriguing backstory search. Although graphically, these characters are enticing and can be explored in great detail through the retail version when available, it currently "spoils" some of the surprises - not all, by any stretch of the imagination, but I do feel the revelation of these characters/companions closer to release date would have been more enticing consumer-wise. I have logged only 45 hours but am nowhere near finishing Act 1, let alone the rest. I tend to replay areas and scenarios with different combinations to see how things could be different. I will be intrigued to see how further character classes and races may be offered as we go forth.
An awesome game to date and a great experience all round. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Joined: Sep 2014
I've got around 40 hrs into this now, both in update 4, & 5, and now 6. My request is that you put a storage chest in the camp for all of the equipment we find, but don't want to sell or cart around for long stretches. My one question is this: where is the myconid treasure that Spaw gives you after killing all of the Duergar ? I think that any awarded treasure should pop up on the map so we don't have to hunt all over the place to find it.
Last edited by mikmil43; 15/02/22 12:42 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Shove discussions and balance should be in here. This needs to be the next thing Larian adjusts.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
I said a little while back that I’d create a new megathread for Stealth, which with one thing and another I’ve not got around to, but I promise I will soon.
While I’m at it, is there any appetite for other new megathreads? Personally I find them useful when the same debates keep popping up, given they tend to be easier to find than a thread buried in the other forums. Plus they keep discussion in one, or at least fewer, places for ease of review and to help prevent good ideas or discussions being missed or getting lost. And at least to some extent reduce the number of times we end up repeating ourselves when a popular topic raises its head again.
Possibilities that spring to mind are shove, jump, conversation handling, companion dialogue triggers, looting, inventory management and character creation options.
But obviously it’s a balancing act, as if there are too many megathread topics it might defeat the purpose. Though I suppose some of the ones that have died down, eg due to changes in later patches, could also be cleared out and moved back to the general feedback forum.
Your thoughts and suggestions would be welcome!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Oct 2020
Seems like the multiplayer contingent might appreciate a megathread. I don't understand them, but I respect their choices.
Joined: Aug 2022
Would be helpful if someone could compile the various links and developer-linked threads that list all the changes (and fixes) that EA players can expect to see come release. (Not including new areas and such, of course... just referring to stuff like new mechanics, generally the *how* the game works.).
Joined: Mar 2021
Rescuing our Lae'zel, I noticed there was no specific direct option to not lie or or tell the Tieflings that you are with Lae'zel or that you have fought with her to escape the Hells.
It seems more focused on forcing a conflict or that you have to be underhanded. There's no higher road, so to speak.
Joined: Mar 2020
Rescuing our Lae'zel, I noticed there was no specific direct option to not lie or or tell the Tieflings that you are with Lae'zel or that you have fought with her to escape the Hells.
It seems more focused on forcing a conflict or that you have to be underhanded. There's no higher road, so to speak. If you said you were with her they would probably try to kill you and even if they agree to let you rescue her she'll want to murder them xD. Ofc there's always social skills so they could add that for sure.
Joined: Oct 2020
I would be perfectly fine with them reacting like that ... Curently my Paladin is either forced to lie (bad) or kill pptential teammate (also bad) ...
+1 to more options without a doubt!
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
I think this section should be re-named something like...
"Early Access: Archive and Mega-threads"
This would more accurately describe what's here. It might be worth revisiting some of the stickies in other sections that have been up since EA as well, or moving some of the EA feedback compendium threads here where they'd be more visible/useful when thinking about conducting future EAs. There are no "Guides" anywhere in this section. I know the category was set up in the hopes there might be eventually, but I think those are more likely to be posted in tips and tricks, and for very specific things. This place desperately needs new forums with modern functionality. The simplest thing we could do to eliminate one word replies like "+1" which tend to bury threads quickly onto the second or third page, would be to enable upvoting. Just upvoting, not downvoting, since downvotes encourage pettiness and beef, and aren't really necessary for a site like this on a smaller scale. Upvotes on the other hand encourage a welcoming atmosphere and give people a sense of being heard.
I also think there could be links to Larian's main feedback portal as well as a link to the BG3 Discord, prominently displayed somewhere in a sticky for Feedback and quick Q&A. The modding section could have a link to Nexus, stuff like that. There's a showcaae stickie there currently, but it's empty. Perhaps a link to the top 30 popular downloaded list at Nexus would be coo there?
The new sections for Story, Builds, Multiplayer and Mods are good. There should probably be a section specifically for PS5 and consoles, or by playform. There is some danger in creating too many discussion sections though, as people will always want to post where they think it's mostly likely to be seen. So posting in Feedback or General for stuff that might fit better in other sections will be common regardless. Creates a lot of busy work for moderators trying to move threads to the right spot probably. I think volunteer moderators would be much easier to recruit if the boards were updated.
Anyhow, keep up the good work and fighting the good fight! I'm sure it's tough, but we appreciate it!
ps. Some further thoughts on the structure of these forums...
For overall metrics you can get an alright anecdotal sense of what's drawing eyes by looking at the viewership of a section. If you look down the main forums tree, you'll see that most of the current viewership here is on BG3. Other than the DOS:II categories which are still seeing traffic, it's mostly BG3, and this is to be expected since it's the newest game.
Right now for example we have 300+ viewers in the Feedback section 200+ in General, the rest of the BG3 sections have somewhere between 30-100 viewers. All told there are probably a thousand people viewing the BG3 forums here at any given point in time, except during timezone gaps. This section "Mega-threads and Guides" is the least viewed, since it's the least active. News section gets many views, but functionally could probably be handled as a sticky, with previous News announcements archived. The main news people would be interested in I imagine would be stuff relating to the most recent game version, current patch and hotfix. Old news, especially going back to the start of EA should just get locked and archived. Let people dig around with the microfiche if they want to check out reactions from 2 years ago or the EA at various points. This would leave more room for whatever is current.
Keep the community updates and panels from hell, but I mean all the hotfix threads mostly. Here again the Discord and Larian's twitter could take some pressure off the news section. I'm sure the BG3 subreddit does some heavy lifting there too. Unfortunately Valve has allowed their steam boards to become rather unpleasant. It's not just BG3, pretty much any game over there with a large audience is seeing the same. Also those boards move so quickly that they become pretty difficult and impractical to use. Probably Larian wouldn't have much control there anyway, even if they could staff moderators at steam, which I'm not sure they could. But this spot is of a more manageable scale, and also probably a pretty good in-house development resource if they could figure out how to harness it a bit more. The home boards could be made to feel different than some of those other spots in various small ways.
I think it would be easier to build up a new castle for some of this stuff, rather than merges and redirects on top of the old. You know, a new spot and modern boards, with design elements to help support it and make it feel unique to BG3. Perhaps a fun avatar generator that uses the Char Creator to go along with the themed emojis. Speaking of emojis, I think we should disable animated emojis for new threads, even for the current boards. Only moderators should be able to activate those sorts of attention grabbers and they should be reserved for stickies or news or "read first" type threads, say for spoilers etiquette or welcome wagon stuff. Hopefully they will consider investing in updated forums for the new era. Although it's a somewhat more oldschool way to connect it still serves an important function and it's a lot easier to use as a reference/archive. Another section which would be useful is probably is something like "Cry me a River" or "the Gutter" for sour grapes and vent threads which are primarily critical or purely provocative flame baiting. Threads which are cathartic and constructive are different, but without dragging down the overall morale. Maybe a sticky called "Fuck All" for that? I don't know, but the idea would be to sort of separate that stuff out, not censoring it entirely, just giving it a place to go. Locked threads, ban hammer stuff, and then sweep it all into one spot to keep the others welcoming. Another idea might be a place for off-topic discussion on D&D or other games/genres, as currently these would just hang around in the General section. I think ideally we'd have maybe 3 or 4 very active forums, and then a couple which are almost totally inactive and largely archival.
Not sure if it's helpful of not, but the majority of my 504 gateway timeouts occur when directing from the main page at Larian.com. Mainly between the hours of midnight and 4am Pacific Standard Time. This I think is when the hot girls of dubai showed up too? and maybe other spam bots are targeting gaps in moderation. I'm an insomniac so I'm usually awake at odd hours, but could also be because they don't have a satellite office in Oz or the West Coast/BC, so between Montreal and Singapore you got like half a day maybe. I imagine going from GMT to Atlantic you get another gap though probably not as long. One option might be something like recruiting a couple moderators based on time windows, just to make sure there's overlap. More limited moderating tools for that, simply to block spambot type behavior with multiposts that are obviously spam, or to issue warnings. Could work. It's just hard when that's an unpaid position cause it can be very taxing and a lot to ask of volunteers. I think you need more of a rotation so people don't get too burnt out probably. Full party so people can tap in tap out periodically, for short and long rests to recoup and regroup hehe.
I think the boards are much improved lately compared to a couple years ago. New boards would make some of this stuff easier to pull off at a go.
Anyhow, it's a thankless job usually I'm sure, but thanks all the same! It makes a difference!
All the best Elk
Last edited by Black_Elk; 12/09/23 12:07 AM.