I 'm also a big fan of counterspell, but in my last PT I wanted Karlach, Lae'zel and Minthara in the party. My PC was a bard/ranger/wizard, but only lvl 2 of wizard, so she did not have counterspell in the spellbook. (I did want some AoE spell capability, and wizard options in dialogues, so that's the main reason for multiclassing to wizard also). I didn't want to sublcass the origin characters.
There is a staff that gives you one counterspell per battle, and my bard wielded that.
PT went quite well, no TPK's and only one resurrection needed if I remember correctly . I recommend to go ahead with your dreamteam and find out what happens, there are many ways to tackle the challenges.
Last edited by ldo58; 14/05/24 04:02 PM.