to add another voice approving homeworld, i liked the first one & it's definitely as what draghermosran described: one of a kind. never before & after that no developer so far has made true 3D navigation RTS. no more dealing with X & Y but also Z axes. a tactical nightmare for first timers. took some time 2 learn but it's fun fun fun.

the details in the game is still astounding even until today. u can zoom all the way out till u almost see a star system. zoom in & u can get as close as above-the-shoulder view.

the scale of the game? breathtaking.

& i've yet 2 try out homeworld 2. it'll be a blast.

jurak & the rest of the forum, if u're a trialer buff like me, u may want 2 download the trailer for ground control 2.

......a gift from LaFille......