
[color:"orange"]Battlefield is just to take care of balance issues[/color]

I thought it was there for all the people who wanted monster respawning in Divinity, and all the action-RPG Diablo fans. If you don't like dungeon crawls, don't do them (I didn't).

I haven't seen any respawning in the Battlefields yet...


[color:"orange"]Thus, it seems like the "unlearn" ability was hacked in. It really makes no sense and there's no storyline justification for it.[/color]

With many more options than you can take advantage of (hey, just like in real life) it is hardly surprising that there is a mechanism for redistributing skill points. Having this cost gold is simply a method to limit redistribution to a reasonable amount. There is no storyline justification for getting skill points in the first place.

Doesn't need to be a storyline justification for the learning of skills. Learning skills as you gain experience is a natural thing that logically makes sense to people. This even happens in real life. You do things, you learn things. However, "unlearning" things then retroactively learning different things is not something that can be justified at all in a "common sense" manner.