I wish there was some cross skill similarities though. Meaning if I had 4 points in 1-H Slashing accuracy, I automatically get 2 points in 1-H slashing + shiled, and 1 point in other 1-H weapons, or some such. Likewise there could be similarities between, disarming traps and picking locks, extract and combine,... and so forth.
Why would a grandmaster with a mace become 1 complete newbie when he gets a Shield in the other hand? Sure the technique is different but there are similarities.

This reminds me of the latest version of Diablo II. With the implementation of 'synergies', becoming proficient in a certain skill will slightly increase the power of similar skills. It's mostly used for spells rather than weapon proficiencies, though.

That being said, reading all your posts and reviews is making me crazy to get this game. I may have to order it if it doesn't show up in stores around here soon.