I was going to go on another rant, but then someone else did it, and probably much more coherently than I can.
Here, on the subject of style. Some choice quotes:
Reading fanfiction, I see a lot of authors say “It’s my style.” They say this when you point out things varying from punctuation errors to confusing dialogue or simple incoherent writing. They cry, “You can’t criticize me, that’s my style!” I would like to point out that, no, it isn’t your style. It’s your ignorance.
In order to even begin testing out your style, you must first be able to write. You must know how to form letters and words across a page or type with two hands and not henpeck at the keyboard. You must know how to spell. You must know the difference between a noun and a verb and their functions within a sentence. You must know how to use proper punctuation and the real function of a comma. That is not to say that you must know all of it before you can pick up a pencil, you just need a solid knowledge base to work with. People generally don’t walk around in dark caves without a map and a flashlight, nor should they attempt to write the next great novel without a basic understanding of how language works.
My loathing for the pretentious imbeciles who insist that their error-riddled, English-raping, godawful prose stands for their "style" knows no bounds. Speaking of English-raping, here is a list of some common misspellings:
Loose/lose: no, they don't mean the same thing and
they are not interchangeable. If I see "looser" used in lieu of "loser" one more time, Melkor take you, I'll go on a homicidal rampage.
Its/it's: "its" is a possessive pronoun that signifies ownership. "It's" is a contraction of "it has" or "it is."
They're/their/there: "they're" is a contraction of "they are." "Their" is a possessive pronoun. "There" is something else altogether.
You're/your: may Apollo's Muses -- all nine of them -- smite you if you make this mistake.
Defiantly/definitely: does this even need an explanation? The meanings are so different it's not even funny.
Sence: even if you are trying to imitate British spelling, this isn't correct. Sense. Sense! How hard is that?
Dont/couldnt/wouldnt/cant: what, is your country suffering from a shortage of apostrophes? Additionally, "cant" and "can't" mean very different things.
EDIT: link fixed.