Didn't use it, didn't need it, didn't miss it. Sure, it may have been nice to have, but everyone knows that it is broken, and the impact on the game is minimal.

Well that might be all nice for you, but what about all those other people who buy the game and dont have net access or dont know about this forum and the broken skill, many people enjoy playing Rogue/Thief and picking locks can be a cool thing to do. I usually play Rogue/Thief and started one of my characters as a Survivor but after finding the broken lock pick skill the game seemed more of a Hack and Slash. So for some the impact can be major, a major flaw in the game that lowers the fun factor for many players, for me, the impact was anything but minimal.

Happiness is relative: the less relatives you have, the happier you are. If at first you dont succeed; hide the evidence that you ever tried. When afraid or when in doubt: run in circles, scream and shout. Robert A Heinlein