Nice ubereil, i like a lot of set itens too, but sometimes i prefer elite unique to use.

Here's the man(trow barb, i will test it tomorrow to see if it's really effetive):

Trow Mastery - 20
Double Swing - 20
Double Trow - 20
Shout - 20
Battle Orders - 20
Howl - 1(Pre-requisite)
Battle command - 1
Iron Skin - 1
Natural Resistance - 2
Increase Stamina - 1
Increase Speed - 1
Find potion - 1
Find gold - 1
Green Ward - 1

Strategy - Scream - kill someone, active green wards stay close of the green wards while you kill what left.

Now i only have to make the tests of damage and defence obtained to see if is worth. And about the equipment. When the tests be concluded i'll let you know.

Who's gonna show you how to fly!