Nice ubereil, i like a lot of set itens too, but sometimes i prefer elite unique to use.
Here's the man(trow barb, i will test it tomorrow to see if it's really effetive):
Trow Mastery - 20
Double Swing - 20
Double Trow - 20
Shout - 20
Battle Orders - 20
Howl - 1(Pre-requisite)
Battle command - 1
Iron Skin - 1
Natural Resistance - 2
Increase Stamina - 1
Increase Speed - 1
Find potion - 1
Find gold - 1
Green Ward - 1
Strategy - Scream - kill someone, active green wards stay close of the green wards while you kill what left.
Now i only have to make the tests of damage and defence obtained to see if is worth. And about the equipment. When the tests be concluded i'll let you know.