I read this into a forum - how to do always the superdrop in the superbosses(didi, meme, andariel, baal). You create a hell game with a char what already finished all bosses, so you enter with the char what didn`t kill yet but is strong enough to kill, go to the quest screen of the char what didn`t kill the bosses and see if the quest to kill has a message like this: "This quest can`t be completed now" and go there and kill the boss with the char what didn`t kill yet and - Superdrop - close the game and repeat.
Have you tried this? Sounds pretty cool.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
Not yet, but i'll do it tomorrow with sure.
I saw it in a guide for the fire/rabies druid.
Go to
www.diabloii.net - and look at the menu for strategy compendium and look for hybrid druid or fire/rabies druid, if you go there until today or tomorrow is the last addition, so will be at the principal screen.
In the middle of the guide - the guy mention this.