[color:"orange"] Your character should be the one who knows when to attack, and should be able to execute the strategy indicated when instructed to attack. [/color]
I want a more active role in the game, mark the usage of the word role <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> I want to defeat my enemies not the AI, as I want to solve puzzles, and I want to explore. To play the role of warrior, I have to do the fighting. Does that make sense?
[color:"orange"] What is the point of your character having an agility stat if your button pushing timing is what counts? Why have combat skills in the game if the fighting system is based on your own hand-eye coordination? [/color]
who says there needs to be an agility stat? Skills are just the same in real life, they need to be tought they need extra effort to execute.
[color:"orange"] I would much, much rather do that by developing my character and choosing the best skills and weapons, than by hitting keys in the right combination at the right time. [/color]
It does not have to be that complex, this isn't mortal combat I'm talking about you only need few actions:
* attack
* defend
* jump
* crouch
* run
run + attack would result in a powerfull blow, nothing hard about that, or am I wrong?
[color:"orange"] The problem here is the differing definitions of 'good'.
Also, I don't want the combat system to add atmosphere to an RPG; that is what the story, dialog, music, books, graphics etc are for. The combat system should fit the setting and not get in the way, or become the focus of the game. [/color]
Combat should add to the atmosphere, why not? why can't and story, music, dialog ... and combat add to the atmosphere, or should combat only be there to up your stats and solve quests?