Fight ? Positive ?
Sounds like someone who has grown up an a society where fighting and violence is generally accepted as a means to solve problems.
In other cultures it is not. These cultures would rather regard fighting as something awful, just because you destroy, kill, injure, frighten, etc. .
For those who don't care or believe in the "law of the strongest", fighting will *always* be something positive. That's why we have in real life a type of gun with the actual name "peacemaker" ! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/exclamation.gif" alt="" />
This "Peracemaker" is imho the ultimate symbol for the difference of cultural perception of fight : To some, peace is then when one of both is dead. For others, peace is achieved when both are happy (if possible).
This is a deep cultural difference I suspect.
You ripped it completely out of its context. So people that play games that contain violence and like the game, are violent people in your eyes ?
Elgi already explained it properly so no need to do it again. (Thanks Elgi <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />)