OK...I really liked DD in its original form.

Things I want to see stay - the kitties, charms, the MUSIC

Things I'd love to see added...
1. Choices make a difference. Whether you're a fighter or a thief, or you're evil or good....what you do should have consequences
2. More non-combat options. Ok...my personal preference would to NOT have to kill all the animals that you ever come across. There's got to be another way to deal with wolves....but other options would be nice, too ... sneaking past enemies...charming your way in....seducing your way in...whatever..
3. Just more...of everything...the worst thing about DD was when you'd come to the border of the land and realize that no....you really couldn't keep going...I know, I know...you can't create an infinite game...I'm just wishing..LOL

"If I love you, what business is it of yours?" —Goethe—