[color:"orange"]For speed you could use the same button as you would use for sprint.[/color]
Using the same walk/run toggle would only allow 2 flying speeds, but that may be sufficient.
[color:"orange"]wasd+mouse would do the trick moving around. And imo speed should be able to change during the attack thats one of the advantages of flying get some heigth first, then drop down at an insane speed and your enemys won't know what hit them.[/color]
Yes, but you do not actually change speed during the attack. An attack or defensive move may be proceeded by an increase or decrease in speed, but you would rarely try to change speed as you are in the middle of attacking.
[color:"orange"]aiming at a target with a constant speed is alot easier as aiming at a target that can go from very fast to slow to not moving at all.[/color]
In practice it is usually much easier to change direction than speed. If you are trying to get away from an attack you would probably already be going as fast as you could, and weaving / diving would be more effective than slowing down. Even if you keep a burst of speed in reserve, you can not outrun a lighting bolt.
[color:"orange"]Imagine you are flying, in front of you are 10 enemys who are strong enough to survive more as one hit. Your char is a close combat fighter.[/color]
If you can fly around in the form of a dragon you will have a ranged fire attack (or ice, etc). It doesn't make sense to have combat for a flying creature if it is restricted to melee attacks, and letting you be a dragon that couldn't breath fire would be terribly unfair.
[color:"orange"]Now you don't want to finish them off one by one because else the other 9 could freely attack you.[/color]
Without an area effect spell or fire attack you would have to finish them off one by one regardless of the combat controls.
[color:"orange"]Would you want to cycle through the targetting system to select the next enemy as you quickly fly in between and hit whoever comes close enough?[/color]
Firstly I would try to not be surrounded. Next I would attack the closest opponent repeatedly, using manual targeting if required, then move on to the next one. While I mentioned a hotkey to cycle through available targets, that would only be useful when there are relatively few opponents, or you just want to avoid targeting a specific one and don't care which alternate you get (ie leave a boss monster alone until you take out its support).
[color:"orange"]Imo it would be better to just hit and see if you hit them or not. Because auto targetting isn't effective when you are alone and fighting against a group.[/color]
So rather than having to manually target in certain situations you prefer to always have to manually pick a target?
Auto-targeting is not as selective when there are large groups of opponents. However, the game can rank wounded opponents higher than those at full health to make it easier to keep hitting the same one.
[color:"orange"]And it does really matter if you are flying yourself or on another creature.[/color]
Not unless you can put that creature on auto-pilot and have it fly itself. However, the possibility of combat in flight strongly implies you must both fly and fight. Just attacking while the computer flied or just flying while the computer attacked would be boring and pointless. Why would Larian go to the trouble of putting flying combat in the game if it was basically just using your character to attack from a glorified moving platform? Besides, melee characters on the back of a flying creature would be at a distinct disadvantage compared to archers or mages.
[color:"orange"]on the back of a dragon using a bow you should be able to tell the dragon fly overthere or circle around that enemy (or that group of enemys)[/color]
And if a mage shows up and starts casting magic missiles, would you then have to stop attacking, tell the dragon to take evasive action, then switch back to your character to attack? Even if the character doing the attacking and the creature/thing doing the flying are different, you must be able to control them simultaneously. If the controls are separate, coping with even very basic enemy AI would require a great deal of switching back and forth.
[color:"orange"]Offcourse if you use auto target (and the auto aim that comes with it)
it doesn't matter, but then you wouldn't really have to worry too much about the fighting since you just select a target start the attack and you fly around to keep yourself safe (and the attack would continue untill the enemy is dead).[/color]
You would have to break off the attack for evasive maneuvers, etc and you would loose the target when turning more than a little. Also, reasonably you could only attack when an opponent was below or in front of you. A dragon could not fly in a circle while continuously breathing fire at someone.
For dragon melee attacks you may be able to attack and have it continue until the opponent dies or you move, but that doesn't make much sense for ranged attacks. Also, if the enemy has a ranged weapon and decent aim you can not just hover and attack repeatedly. You are going to have to keep moving, so even under ideal circumstances you are only going to get a few attacks in before you pass over the target or otherwise have to break off the attack.
Speaking of hovering, if that is possible it should probably drain stamina more than flying fast. If dragons want to get away from a fight and take it easy they should either have to land somewhere or climb fairly high and glide.
For those that are interested, here are a couple links for the 'I of the Dragon' demo (228MB -
here or
here). Overall it is an ok action RPG, and worth trying if you like the idea of playing as a dragon. The combat isn't perfect (poor enemy AI, for the most part) but the controls are fairly effective and an example of trying to fly and fight.
In addition to the flight method HandEFood described, you can also use the arrow keys (forward/stop, left/right) which gives better control than clicking on the ground somewhere.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" /> If you try the demo, catch something big and switch to first person perspective to eat it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" /> The steers in the game tutorial area would be good for this, but IIRC the tutorial isn't included in the demo.