Originally Posted by thirion
if we die. could we revive?
and does adding drugs to the game really improve the game? xD

Divinity did seem brutal at first with its death system (you die=loading last save is your only option). This is in stark contrast to D2 or DS2, where you just receive a penalty and must retrieve your corpse, or Sacred or Titan Quest, where there's not even a penalty, you just start at the last autosave point without losing any progress (except walking). But as the advice goes, save, and save often, after every major fight, quest, or just every five minutes or so.
I don't really have a problem with death leaving you with no options but to load your last save game, BUT I think this could mitigated with an autosave feature that would kick in after major quests/battles are completed.

As to drugs, well it depends on the use. It can add depth/realism/grittiness to game world. George's murder was an interesting, multi-part quest, but I guess the vampire could have very well been a dealer for some other illegal goods.

In the Witcher, there's a drug called fisstech that your character can give to users/addicts as a bribe in order to obtain information. It allows for some interesting quest options.