I totally agree with Raze on the death issue. If your character cannot truly die then it diminishes the level of challenge significantly. It destroys the logic of the game world, too. Who keeps bringing you back to life? Why? Why does it only work for you?

The only way I've seen 'you cannot die' implemented WELL in an RPG (Please note caveat laugh ) was in PS:T where death can be a means of advancing the story. And your party can die, so it's not all easy...

The Witcher is, IMO, the best RPG since PS:T and a major part of the reason for that is it feels like it could be real. Actions have consequences, potion abuse makes you ill (Or even kills you, taken to extremes) and death is very, very real. There is a real sense of threat to the encounters because of that - a real sense that your decisions are genuinely life or death.

I'll take that any time over 'Drat! Two minutes walking to get back to where I was!' smile

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