Originally Posted by Raze

if we die. could we revive?

I hope not. If there are only minor consequences for dying, then there is no real suspense in dangerous areas and no tension or excitement during combat.

and does adding drugs to the game really improve the game? xD

Yes, yes it does. It is actually much more realistic to say that over-use of potions can have a detrimental effect. Not mentioning this could be taken as an implicit endorsement of drugs (anything that is wrong with you, you just need enough of the right potions). Drudanae is primarily used in medicines, and as in real life, strong medication can become addictive. George wasn't exactly portrayed as a popular, successful guy in control of his life; he was an addict, in debt to his friends, begging his dealer for credit and pretending to strangers that everything is fine, while trying to use them to get a fix. And then he died.

Heh... I actually thought that the drudane part was a good touch. It'd be awesome to see some after-effects of consuming far too many potions. Addiction, death or other negative side-effects?