None of these "fixes" fixes my loading... Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I think the compatibility/desktop composition fix only works for win7?
My fix is still using my laptop and savegames to get passed it frown.

Waypoint shrine usually gets stuck, but seems I did manage to use it from maxos temple crypt one to lovis tower one.
None of the belegar cut scenes get me stuck.
Most loading issues seem to have to do when changing (drastically) from location.
Always had loading issue in maxos temple going from one floor/section to the other, but the cutscenes with the summonings and other stuff(library/amdusias/damian), and teleportation inside same room, no issue.
Trying to use teleport to Sentinel Island, issue again.
Opening doors/gates? no issues.
Laiken/bandit camp scenes, no issues.
Going Orobas fjord no issue.
Maybe I should start to write it down :c.

Figured how to run the game with perfHud now, but don't know how it will help, if the loading gets stuck I cant use it anymore either to save the log, and it doesn't seem to automatically log anything. Maybe some guidelines would help, I read the pdf but doesn't make me much wiser, or I'm doing nothing wrong and it is just not possible of course :o.