Originally Posted by Lar_q
I realize it can be confusing as every different language release is basically a different version - it occasionaly has us confused too wink Let me try to explain:

As we were making different versions for the different territories, we were very opportunistic and included as much features/fixes/improvements as we could from our improvement roadmap, each time a release came up. That roadmap is basically a list of things we saw in various forum posts and reviews, as well as a list of things we didn't get around to doing when the game was originally released. We've steadily been scratching things from the list as they got implemented, but as I said, did include some of them already in certain releases. That's why there are differences between the different versions.

The deadline for the improvements was the US gold master, as that was the last scheduled release, and so we made all the improvements towards that version. Once that was done and tested, we then started making patches for each different version - a complex task because of the different versions - but the advantage was that we did improve the game with each release, something which we noted in the reviews and comments of players.

Now that that's done, we can finally make the "über-patch" which brings all versions to the same level, but we do have to test against all the versions out there, and that unfortunately takes a bit of time. The upside is that after this patch is released, we should have less work if we want to add something else and as always, we will be looking out for what's on your request list.

I hope this puts it in perspective for you all,


Lar, you didn't answer to my previous question ;< May be you think it makes no sense? But it is not, since patch 1.02 didn't fix any issues with script logic flaws, like bugs with Kirill or bugs with guildmaster tower, or empty chests or broken skills (Summon Mastery), etc... So, I wonder, do we get just technical side fixes or complex ones.