Originally Posted by spitfirex81
thanks man. im in game now! before i continue i need a little info. after i switch back to my original .exe the will i have to switch back to the german .exe every time i have to load or is the never ending load happening only on that load screen after the ladybug? if i have to switch everytime the game has to load how will i know when the game is going to load? does this mean i have to be saving very frequently? and as the post above says, will i have to switch .exes every time i want to teleport? thanks in advance. you have done what larian has not been able to do even though its not a permanent fix. you are a genius!

First off Ryu deserves the credit on finding this out. and i mean all credit to him i just pressed the wrong button and there for did not quote him
Also i have no clue what cutsences might get you stuck and what not. maybe even teleporting will work for you no clue.
after doing what ever you had to do on the german.exe do it save replace and just keep playing on the original it will work fine. been doing that for me on the normal exe except for loading screen at lady bug and teleporting.

also you will proberly find this out but still save very often you rly need to in this game. as the help loading pages state "save often you never know what might come around the next corner" this is a very true statement.

also have several save games just to be on the save side for example before you enter a dungeon and often in the dungeon. and that should do the trick.

otherwise have fun playing.
and again Ryu _o_ nothing but respect for finding this out


Last edited by Donice; 15/01/10 10:50 PM.