Hmm yesterday I was able to run the game at any resolution except my desktop resolution. Which I thought was weird now today it only runs at 1440x900 and that is it.
I change the resolution and restart the game as it asks and on going back into graphics options it is set back to 1440x900 no matter what I set it to.

Yesterday on changing the resolutions the game did not even ask to be restarted just asked if I wanted it applied went black and then came up with the res I set. Worked at any resolution below my max/native resolution as I said. More weirdness.

Does the automatic setting it to 1440x900 have anything to do with the popup every time on game start that states that it detected my physx version is different.
Really should not have anything to do with that though but that is the only thing different from yesterday to today.

Windows 7 pro 64 bit
EVGA X58 motherboard
6GB of OCZ DDR3 memory
watercoooled i7 920 @ 3.8GHz (4+4 cores)
EVGA (Nvidia) GTX 275 graphics
Creative X-fi elite pro sound card.