Hey there, since noone seems to have chosen my combination of skills I feel the need to post.

I played the game on medium, though I set the difficulty to hardest possible for the final encounter, just to see if I could do it. Had to take 4 Healthpotions, but I managed. Basically spammed Whirlwind and Thousand Strikes on Zandalor whilst being surrounded by the crowd, healed by my ghost and assised by my creature.

LVL 34

HP: 883 (567 without items)
Mana: 489 (364)

Vitality 60 (53)
Spirit 24 (24)
Strengh 81 (76)
Dexterity 20 (6)
Intelligence 19 (8)

Weapon DMG: 114 - 367 [2-Hand Sword] (73 - 88 [Barehanded])
Physical res: 63 (29)
Distance res: 28 (3)
Magical res: 61 (4)

Conditioned Body 75% (73%)
Heightened Reflexes 40% (6%)
Indomitable Will 21% (8%)


Summon Ghost 12/13
Whirlwind 12/15(+1 euqipment bonus)
Rush 7/10
Battlerage 4/5(+1)
Lockpick 5/5
Life Leech 11/13(+1)
Bleed 10/13
Mana Leech 1/5(+1)
Regenerate 0/5(+1)
Thousand Strikes 9/13
Death Blow 7/10


Firebreath 5/5
Dragonburst 2/5(+1)
Firesphere 5/5
Summon Friend 5/5
Dragon Polymorph 0/5
Dragon Shield 4/5(+1)
Dragon Spirit 4/5(+1)

Tell me if you want to know my exact equipment, but I'm just to lazy to type it all right now.