Difficulty: low
Level: 34
Stats: Str 40
Vit 27
Dex 37
Spi 34
Int 52

Skills: Summon ghost 10
Summon Demon 10
Summon undead 2
Summon mastery 3
Hide in the Shadows 5
Firewall 2
Whirlwind 10
Fatality 1
Thousand strikes 1
Poison arrows 13
Ranger stealth
Wisdom 13
Mindread 6
Dual-wield 9
Two-handed 7
Potion efficiency 3

Not really a skill, but my pet had all perfect Ghoulish limbs, and a level 11 warrior head

Armor: Ulthring's full set, all with Heightened Reflexes +5 and Indomitable will +3 charms

Weapons: Sword of Pure Good
Level 9 butcher
Level 7 Mana drain
Level 9 Magic damage

Melee damage +5 charm
Magic damage +8 charm

Bow of Tiberius
Can't remember the specific charms, but I know it had a +10 to damage both ranged and magic... And gave me the +1 summon undead

Only the simplest things in life can make you a total psychopath.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along blog! It's 42:25, and the songs are amazing. Watch it or die. 0_0

Sesquipedalophobia: Fear of long words.
Ironitatialiphobia: Fear of ironic coincidences. Wow.