


Vitality: 64
Spirit: 26
Strength: 46
Dexterity: 40
Intelligence: 56

Melee Resistance: 37,75%
Ranged Resistance: 25,74%
Magic Resistance: 34,74%

Conditioned Body: 71%
Heigthened Reflexes: 46%
Indomitable Will: 74%

HP: 988
Mana: 657

Weapon Damage: 173-229 (295-371)

Whirlwind: 12
Rush Attack: 4
Jump Attack: 5
Dual Wielding expertise: 10
Potion efficieny: 4
Evade: 3
Lockpick: 5, Encumbrance: 3
Firewall: 11
Summon Demon: 10
Healing: 3
Thousand strikes: 5

(Unique) Archmage's Elite Army Helmet of the Guardian:
Melee armour rating + 4, Magic armour rating + 4.

+4 Vitality,
+57 HP,
+55 Mana,
+4 intelligence,
+4 dexterity,
+5 spirit.
Charm: +5 Spirit
Enchantement: + 27 mana

[color:#CCCCCC]Golden Cuirass of Jurak of Hope: [/color]
+6 melee armour rating,
+2 magic armour rating.
+2 intelligence,
+2 Strength,
+2 Reflect.
Enchantement: +21 HP

(Heroic) Paladin's Elite Champion Leggings of Hope:
+4 to magic armour rating
+4 to indomitable will
+39 HP
+5 to heigthened reflexes
+5 vitality
Charm: +5 vitality
Enchantement: +21 HP

(Heroic) Alchemist's Amethyst Ring of the Avenger:
+6 magic armour rating
+37 Mana
+10 melee damage
+1 master herbalist
Charm: +10 melee damage
Enchantement: Retribution Damage: 22% chance of paying the enemies back 38% damage of their hit.

(Legendary) Paladin's Saphire Droplet Earrings of Aleroth:
+3 intelligence
+63 HP
+4 indomitable will
+6 to conditioned body.
Charm: +4 indomitable will
Enchantement: healing aura +0,225 hp per second

(Legendary) Hero's Elite Guard Guantles of Hope:
+3 to melee armour rating
+4 Vit
+4 Melee armour rating
+6 indomitable Will
+6 Conditioned body
+5 Dexterity
Charm: +5 Dexterity
Echantement: +21 HP

(Legendary) Archmage's Jewelled Bracelet of Aleroth:
+4 to conditioned body
+126 mana
+5 vit
+4 Magic armour rating
+4 Dexterity
+1 Hide in shadows
Charm: +5 Vit, +4 magic armour rating, +4 dexterity
Enchantement: Healing Aura, heals 0,225 hp/second

(Legendary) Rejuvenating Brown Leather Belt of Aleroth:
+3 conditioned body
+45 HP
+4 Strength
+6 Vit
+1 Regenerate
Charm: +3 vit, +3 vit
Enchantement: Healing Aura: Heals 0,225 Hp/sec

(Legendary) Lich's Plain Ring of the Avenger:
+3 indomitable Will
+34 Mana
+6 Conditioned Body
+10 melee damage
Charm: +10 melee damage
Enchantement: Retribution Aura: 18% chance of paying the enemies back 32% of their hit.

Hermit's Talisman of the north of Eternal Burning:
+1 spirit
+1 heigthened reflexes
+1 indomitable will
+5 ranged armour rating
+2 wisdom
Charm: +5 Ranged armour rating
Enchantement: Healing Aura: Heals 0,225HP/sec
Retribution Aura: 25% chance of paying the enemies back 44% of their hit.
Spontaneous Combustion: 15% of hitting enemies close to you for 54 damage over 1 second.

Knight's Balanced Steel Sword of Destruction
Melee damage: 23-39
Magic damage: 16-26
Critical hit chance: 5%
+56 HP
+4 Intelligence
+3 Strength
+1 Single handed weapon expertise
Enchantement: Increased magical damage (+21)

Disintegrating Myrthos of Destruction:
Melee damage: 23-38
Magic damage: 45-75
Critical hit chance: 8%
+14 melee damage
+3 vit
+7 magic damage
+1 Destruction
Enchantement: +21 melee damage, +21 magic damage

I hope this was worth the time I spent into this wink

The Question isn't how
The Question is when
and the answer is now