well something i must have done really wrong if you lot are finishing on 35-36 with bazillions of malachites....

diff: medium
level 34.95 leveled after killing the last memory dude.

vit 46 with bonuses
spirit 25
str: 64
dex 58
int 51

oh this is fun.
whirlwind 5/5
wisdom 5/13
bleed 12/13
regen 12/13
duel wield exp: 12
evade 13
i think thats it for skills used...


ful ulthrings set with mellee8 and ranged 8 enhancements
and whatever +2- +5 mellee or damage charms i could find

a unique one handed sword and a legendary
both with increaded magic and normal damage

damage with gear and weapons was 432-506+(233-257)
talisman of the north with healing .025
and level 8 and 10 aras compustion and poisen
rings also had the healing aura

in the final fight i just spammed attack and potion. didnt really use and skills. quite a hard fight tohugh