If anyone wants to take a stab at figuring out the EXP scaling from enemies, here's some data. The enemies, if not clear, are Lv18 Black Goblins, Lv19 Black Ring, and Lv21 Imps, all from the early part of Orobas Fjords (around the Grand Knight Shrine and Depleted Ore Mine).

	Lv18 B. Goblin	Lv19 B. Ring	Lv21 Imp
Lv15	1139		1252		1492
Lv16	1013		1252		1492
Lv17	887		1113		1492
Lv18	761		974		1492
Lv19	761		836		1326
Lv20	534		836		1161
Lv21	281		696		996
Lv22	158		309		996
Lv23	101		174		830
Lv24	70		111		368
Lv25	51		77		207
Lv26	39		56		132
Lv27	31		43		92
Lv28	25		34		67
Lv29	20		27		51
Lv30	17		23		40
Lv31	15		19		33
Lv32	12		16		27