Yesterday I go to the church. O what a nightmare it coudl be if I discovered not soon enough there was also a Lich !! The Gosts aren't a problem to defeat at all, but the Lich !! So almost again a nearby death experience This was okay, I had everything under control ... until I go to the Cursed Abbey!! The Zombies aren't a problem, but the Steel Archers all the more !!! That event was really a nearby death experience of great fromat !! Lucky I had the clever idea to simply use the Restorationspell after take 2 restoration potions to be "save" ! I take to many risks already, so no more risks for now !
I become now a level 19 warrior and have learned the skill Magic Bariere. Rest : 4 unused skillpoints and 10 unused statpoints on this moment.
Finding new good bows and other great gear in the meanwhile .... later I write it all down here, but I'm tired of fighting now.
I go to bed and tomorrow a new day rise up ....
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !